Speaker :傅锦林 Production Manager :罗嘉庆 Planner :刘郁夫、张彬、朱芳经
Introduction Topic 1Topic 2Topic 3Topic 4Topic 5 Schistosoma japonicum is prevalent in Far East. In China, It is prevalent in 13 provinces, city and autonomic regions (except Guizhou ) along Yangtze River Valley where are main areas for producing rice. The adults live in the portal vein system (门静脉系 统), causing liver cirrhosis (肝硬化) and portal vein hypertension syndrome (门脉高压征候群)
Introduction Topic 1Topic 2Topic 3Topic 4Topic 5 Topic 1 Morphology Ventral sucker The gynecophoric canal Female adult Morphology Male adult Oral sucker
Introduction Topic 1Topic 2Topic 3Topic 4Topic 5 Morphology Male adult : plump (粗短)、 smooth surface ; 10-20mm long ; mm wide 。 Female adult : slender (细长)、 Dark color (暗黑色); 10-20mm long ; mm wide 。
Introduction Topic 1Topic 2Topic 3Topic 4Topic 5 Morphology The characteristic of the egg miracidium (毛蚴)、 egg shell (卵壳)、 spina lateralis (侧棘)。
Introduction Topic 1Topic 2Topic 3Topic 4Topic 5 Life cycle
Introduction Topic 1Topic 2Topic 3Topic 4Topic 5 Life cycle Females (in the mesenteric vein) produce eggs Eggs with the unhatched miracidia are passed in the faeces (粪便) The eggs hatch (孵化) in minutes in water and the miracidia penetrate the snails Development to the cercaria (尾 蚴) in the snails (螺) (around 5 weeks, without redial and metacercarial phase) Penetration (渗透) of the final host by the motile cercariae via skin or drinking water Cercariae lose their forked tails and transform to schistosomula ( 童虫 ) or young flukes To the systemic circulation through the heart and lungs
Introduction Topic 1Topic 2Topic 3Topic 4Topic 5 Life cycle They locate in the portal veins ( 门静脉 ) in the liver (肝脏) and become sexually mature before migrating to their final site, the mesenteric veins (肠系膜静脉). The prepatent period is 6-7 weeks.
Introduction Topic 1Topic 2Topic 3Topic 4Topic 5 Infectious Sources 传染源 Transmission route 传播途径 You can see the epidemiology like this Susceptibility 易感性 The main Infectious Source are Live eggs Water-borne Human 、 vertebrate (脊椎动物) Epidemiology
Introduction Topic 1Topic 2Topic 3Topic 4Topic 5 Pathogenesis and Symptoms Mechanical injury (机械性损伤): cercarias (尾蚴) penetrate into the host skin and migrate; vasculitis (血管炎) Damage from immunity (免疫损伤) : Liver cirrhosis (肝硬化)、 ascites (腹水)
Introduction Topic 1Topic 2Topic 3Topic 4Topic 5 Pathogenesis and Symptoms Bloodsucking and poison effect (吸血 及毒素作用): Depressed of spirit (精神沉郁)、 anemia( 贫 血 ) 。 Ectopic lesion (异位损害) : such as adults or eggs in the lungs, or in the brain, these could cause lesions ( 脑病、 肺病症状 )
Introduction Topic 1Topic 2Topic 3Topic 4Topic 5 Pathogenesis and Symptoms Rabbit liver fever, diarrhoea, sometimes blood stained and containing mucus, anorexia ( 厌食 ), thirst ( 渴感 ), anaemia ( 贫血 ) and emaciation ( 消瘦 ).
Introduction Topic 1Topic 2Topic 3Topic 4Topic 5 Pathogenesis and Symptoms Severely (严重的) infected cattle and buffalo can die quickly.
Main Page Topic 1Topic 2Topic 3Topic 4Topic 5 Diagnosis 1. Clinic examination persistent diarrhoea (腹泻), often blood stained (带血) and containing mucus (粘液), emaciation (消瘦) and anemia (贫血), coupled with a history of access to natural water sources. 2. Parasitological examination : A. The examination of miracidia (毛蚴) B. Postmortem examination: to confirm suspected infection Diagnosis
Main Page Topic 1Topic 2Topic 3Topic 4Topic 5 Diagnosis 3. Immunological methods : ELISA, Dot-ELISA, IHA 4. PCR-based methods : specific PCR assay
Main Page Topic 1Topic 2Topic 3Topic 4Topic 5 Treatment Niridazole ( 硝唑咪 ) and trichlorfon ( 敌百虫 ) Treatment Praziquantel ( 吡喹酮 ) which is used in the treatment of human schistosomosis is also effective in animals.
Main Page Topic 1Topic 2Topic 3Topic 4Topic 5 Prevention Destruction of snails (灭螺): Sodium pentachlorophenate (五氯氛 钠)、 Meteldehyde (四聚乙醛)、 Bromomoacetamide (溴乙酰胺)、 Niclosamide (氯硝柳胺) Periodic inspection (定期检查); Drug prophylaxis (药物预防)
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