Leading, connecting and delivering a cutting edge workforce Strategies to Attract the Best August 2009 IRS Recruitment Office
Leading, connecting and delivering a cutting edge workforce 2 Workforce of Tomorrow Recommendations How do we create an organization- wide recruiting strategy that supports and balances all division needs, includes consistent corporate messages and enables local participation and connections? Initiatives developed Corporate recruiting strategy with strong partnerships Plan events/media jointly with partners in BODs, EEO, HCO, affinity groups Recruiters manage relationships with schools and organizations Local business unit representatives attend events Pursuing longer term efforts to build relationships with future candidates much earlier than their Junior year in college Recruiting organization manages strategic execution Stood up March 16 th in HCO Includes all IRS recruiters and media/marketing staff
Leading, connecting and delivering a cutting edge workforce 3 Integrated Recruitment Strategy
Leading, connecting and delivering a cutting edge workforce 4 Organizational Structure Director of IRS Recruiting Media & Analysis Relationship Management Distinguishing characteristics Joined strategic functions ensures servicewide support, consistent approach, and high quality levels Joint strategic planning and analysis of recruitment channels and sources to determine greatest value Newly centralized recruiting-oriented marketing, media and analysis function Tight coordination of in-person recruiting and marketing with Employment, EEO, and the BOD recruiters Geography-based local in-person presence builds strong regional relationships with sources with Field and Campus partnership in local recruiting efforts Executive support for strong relationships with key sources of pre, early and mid-career applicants Recruiters Partner & Employee Support Executive Support
Leading, connecting and delivering a cutting edge workforce 5 Drivers for Continuous Improvement
Leading, connecting and delivering a cutting edge workforce 6 Recruitment Strategic Goals
Leading, connecting and delivering a cutting edge workforce 7 Improved Target Setting and Planning
Leading, connecting and delivering a cutting edge workforce 8 Strong Strategic Source Management
Leading, connecting and delivering a cutting edge workforce 9 Effective Marketing and Media
Leading, connecting and delivering a cutting edge workforce 10 Effective Candidate Tracking Goals and Initiatives Ability to maintain relationships with candidates from beginning to end of recruiting process and link successful applicants and excellent employees to recruiting sources for continuous improvement Evaluate needs and enhance technology solution for tracking candidate contacts Put in place an owner and processes for regularly contacting candidates in pipeline to solicit applications Corporate Hiring Data Mart Vision and Benefits: Data Mart that will enable leadership to plan, execute, and monitor Servicewide hiring. Relational, integrated system to track the lifecycle from potential applicant to on-the-job performance Will enable us to follow a candidate from first touch with the IRS to understand and improve recruiting
Leading, connecting and delivering a cutting edge workforce 11 Clear ROI Measures
Leading, connecting and delivering a cutting edge workforce 12 Next Steps
Leading, connecting and delivering a cutting edge workforce 13 How You Can Help You Are the Face of The IRS Check out our website- and find out what jobs we have and how and via what channel to refer folks to us (web vs our recruiters) Remember you represent the IRS wherever you go, even on Face Book; be kind to the Service Share what is good about the IRS and encourage people to apply for our positions Be honest about the job and what it’s like to work at the IRS or for any Federal agency- we want our candidates expectations to match reality Support our recruitment initiatives – we all can help find the best, most diverse candidates that will fit our values Be a support to those new employees SB/SE Commissioner Chris Wagner: Everyone has a role in the IRS. We are hiring thousands of new employees and this is a great opportunity for you to lead, mentor and be a model for these employees. You can make their first days and weeks at the IRS memorable. Think back to your first days with IRS and who helped you along the way.