ASSET MANAGEMENT IADI Conference Abuja, Nigeria May 9 – 12, 2011 Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation
MISSION Plan and efficiently conduct the resolution of problem financial institutions in order to maintain public confidence and stability in the financial sector.
INITIAL PROCEDURES Assign Assets –Account Officers (based on experience) –Loans Loan type Complexity Book value Verify existence of original loan documents Review all file documentation Notify appropriate authorities of missing documentation Establish Tickler Systems (reminders to perform actions by established deadlines to protect Receiver/Liquidator interests Send initial notice letters to; –Users of institution owned property –Holders of Securities –Service and supply providers –Safe Deposit Box renters –Attorney’s
LITIGATION Before initiating litigation consider the following factors: potential for negotiated settlement likelihood of successful outcome how long it will take cost adverse legal circumstanced evidentiary issues possible defenses acceptance of service depositions
LOAN VALUATION Performing Loans Sub-performing Loans Non-performing Loans
ASSET MARKETING Marketable assets Non-marketable assets Prepare Due Diligence Files
OTHER ASSETS Securities Artwork Prepaids Overdrafts Employee advances FF&E
CONTRACTING Property management Repair and Maintenance Appraisals Auction services
Other Policies and Procedures Delegations of Authority Case Preparation Appraisals Taxes Environmental situation
OWNED REAL ESTATE Parent / subsidiary relationship Corporate relationship Business plan Board of Directors