ED 502: Transforming Teaching Practice, Tuesday, Jan 11, 2012 (7:00 p.m. ET) Unit 5 Seminar/ Positive reinforcement/ promoting student engagement
Fifth Unit DB: Parent-teacher conference- Your child isn’t doing his/her homework! Unit 5: Chapter 6 of Borich: Classroom Management: Promoting student engagement Reviewing Unit 4 Major Assignment: Classroom Strategies Preview Unit 7 Major Assignment: Reflective Journal Fifth Unit Seminar: Low profile classroom management and graded discussion Questions Upcoming Attractions Tonight’s agenda
What’s Graded? AssignmentDue DatePoints Discussion BoardUnits (45 points for each DB unit) Classroom Strategies Assignment Unit 4200 Reflective JournalUnit week Instructional Unit Unit 9300
Weekly Discussion Board (Units 2-9) Knowledge of Content 9 points: Student successfully applies sufficient concepts, facts, and ideas from readings and related assignments. Critical Thinking 12 points: Student demonstrates critical reflection on the topic(s) using two or more of the following strategies: 1) Examining issue(s) from multiple perspectives 2) Making connections to theoretical frameworks. 3) Reflecting critically on research methods or legitimacy and/or quality of sources Contribution to Flow of Academic Exchange 9 points: Student’s posts contribute significantly to the depth and evolution of the discussion. Participation 11 points: Student provides a high level of reciprocal engagement with other participants. Postings and replies are made throughout the academic week. Writing Mechanics and APA 4 points: Student’s posts contain few or no errors in writing or mechanics, and properly formatted APA in-text citation and a list of references wherever one is needed. Total /45
Reviewing unit 4’s db: The Humanist method should be Ms. Bosco’s first step, since the most immediate needs that Ron has are in the realm of safety, security, and his sense of order (Erwin 2005). Since Ron does not know his classmate, the rules of the class, or the daily procedures, it is virtually impossible for him to feel comfortable participating in the learning process. As Borich (2011) states, the Humanist tradition “focuses on the feeling, psychological needs, and emotions of the individual learner” (p. 199). Ms. Bosco should arrange a private conference with Ron, during which she apologizes for not properly introducing him to the class. She should go over the rules and procedures of the class, and perhaps assign Ron a classmate ‘buddy’ who can guide him through the procedures until he is comfortable. This will also help him develop a relationship with a peer, and work under the constructivist goal of “minimizing the exercise of adult authority or coercion” (DeVries, 2003, p. 64). –Kathleen Ellis
Reviewing unit 4’s db: At some times the teacher will have to react to Ron’s misbehaviors that they did not anticipate, which would take it into the realm of applied research tradition (Borich 2011). As a teacher I would hope to always be able to anticipate and prevent certain behaviors. A problem with that approach is when the teacher does not anticipate. In that cause the teacher usually quickly changes tact and moves to the applied research approach. One technique that would great for Ron is called Do it again. Lemov explains it as practice when students fail to complete a basic task, then they are asked to do it again until the task is completed correctly (2010). If Ron was not completing a task or doing something completely wrong then the whole class can be asked to complete the task again. This does not center Ron as the problem and gives him another chance to complete the task and learn how to complete the task. This does not fall under Classroom management tradition. It falls under the Applied research tradition. -Joseph Wall
Reviewing unit 4’s db: I believe the classroom management tradition would be most effective. The classroom management tradition focuses on the prevention of behavior, and it incorporates rules, routines, and procedures (Borich, 2011, pg 199). Ron is having the most difficulties with following the routines of the classroom. To effectively implement the classroom management tradition, the tone must be set at the very beginning. Ms. Bosco should use low-profile management strategies such as removing temptations from Ron and changing seating arrangements. She may also need to use proximity and prompting to assist Ron (Borich, 2011, pg 200). Clear instructions must be explained to Ron at the beginning of the day and before transitions. At the very beginning of a situation is the perfect time to implement the classroom management tradition, and since this is Ron’s first week at his new school, the timing is perfect. -Rayna Knox
Unit 5 Discussion Board- Parent-teacher conference Unit 5 : Imagine having to conduct a parent– teacher conference concerning a student’s failure to complete assignments on time. Prepare some “ talking points” in an outline format that you want to be sure to bring up during the conference. Your talking points should include the following: What you will do to gain the parents’ acknowledgment of the problem A plan of action for addressing the problem at home and at school Follow- up activities that will monitor that progress is being made A summary or restatement of the agreements made between you and the parents
Unit 5 Discussion Board- Parent-teacher conference- Poll Question Unit 5: According to Haystead and Marzano’s (2009) research, which of the following has the biggest impact on student learning of a given concept? Homework Identifying Similarities and Differences Setting Goals and Objectives Summarizing Tracking student progress Haystead, M., & Marzano, R. (2009). Meta-analytic synthesis of studies conducted at Marzano Research Laboratory on instructional studies. Available:
Unit 5 Discussion Board- Parent-teacher conference- Poll Question Unit 5: According to Haystead and Marzano’s (2009) research, which of the following has the biggest impact on student learning of a given concept? Homework (15% growth) Identifying Similarities and Differences (20% growth) Setting Goals and Objectives (25% growth) Summarizing (19% growth) Tracking Student progress (34% growth vs no use of strategies) Haystead, M., & Marzano, R. (2009). Meta-analytic synthesis of studies conducted at Marzano Research Laboratory on instructional studies. Available:
Unit 5 Discussion Board- Parent-teacher conference- Poll Question Unit 5: According to Haystead and Marzano’s (2009) research, which of the following has the biggest impact on student learning of a given concept? Homework (15% growth) Identifying Similarities and Differences (20% growth) Setting Goals and Objectives (25% growth) Summarizing (19% growth) Tracking Student progress (34% growth vs no use of strategies) Haystead, M., & Marzano, R. (2009). Meta-analytic synthesis of studies conducted at Marzano Research Laboratory on instructional studies. Available: Questions: What impact does effective strategy use have on classroom management in the classroom? What impact does strategy use have on student engagement?
Discussion Board Reminders Three things** to remember: 1. Enter the site at least 3 times per week. 2. Respond to at least two classmates Make sure to add a reference list at the bottom of your original post and make sure to cite in the text of your post. Resources can be from outside internet sources. **3A: Communicate with me if/when you anticipate problems posting on time, in a given DB unit.**
Major Assignments I. Classroom Strategies Assignment- 200 Points Explain how you can use the three elements of curriculum (content (input materials), process (grouping), and product (student responses)) to meet the needs of students in the content area and grade level you teach or wish to teach. Include researched sources- text, articles in Major Assignment description. Include specific strategies you would use related to differentiating content, process, and products for a given grade level/content area. –3-4 page paper
Major Assignments II. Reflective Journal, due Unit 7: 140 Points –Reflect on the artifact (Classroom Strategies Assignment) for each category of the reflection: Clarified Format: 1.An introduction to the artifact. 2.What did you learn from developing this artifact, and how could creating the artifact lead to improvements in your teaching or your teaching preparation? 3.What Kaplan competencies did you achieve with this artifact? Identify the competencies, and explain how creating the artifact led to your meeting these selected competencies. 4.If you were to implement instruction using this artifact, what would the students gain? No required length; recommend 3-5 pages
II. Reflective Journal, due Unit 7: 140 Points Reflect on the artifact (Classroom Strategies) for each category of the reflection: 1.What did you learn from developing this artifact, and how could creating the artifact lead to improvements in your teaching or your teaching preparation? 2.What Kaplan competencies did you achieve with this artifact? Identify the competencies, and explain how creating the artifact led to your meeting these selected competencies. 3.If you were to implement instruction using this artifact, what would the students gain? 9 Competencies: 1.Student Learning 2.Student Diversity 3.Content Matter Mastery/Instructional Planning 4.Instructional Delivery 5.Classroom Management 6.Assessment 7.Professional Knowledge 8.Reflective Decision Making 9.Professional Resp. Be sure to address content matter mastery/ instructional planning in your response!
II. Reflective Journal, due Unit 7: 140 Points Reflect on the artifact (Classroom Strategies) for each category of the reflection: 1.What did you learn from developing this artifact, and how could creating the artifact lead to improvements in your teaching or your teaching preparation? 2.What Kaplan competencies did you achieve with this artifact? Identify the competencies, and explain how creating the artifact led to your meeting these selected competencies. 3.If you were to implement instruction using this artifact, what would the students gain? Impact on teaching Meeting course competencies Impact on student learning
Major Assignments IV. Instructional Unit, due Unit 9: 300 Points Three week unit, following template provided, with at least five different lesson plans (lesson plans can last more than one day!) Daily Lesson Format: Lesson Topic: Student Guiding Question: Materials/Resources: Opening Activity: Instructional Activity: Practice Activity: Assessment Activity: Suggestion for Getting Started: Plan a final unit-assessment activity and work backwards from it to design lessons. This final assessment activity should evaluate whether students… [meet the unit’s instructional goals]. Planning the assessment first will ensure that your lesson plans provide opportunities for students to gain understanding of concepts and proficiency with skills that you have targeted.
IV. Instructional Unit, due Unit 9, 300 Points Three week unit, following template provided, with at least five different lesson plans (lesson plans can last more than one day!) Daily Lesson Format Lesson Topic: Student Guiding Question: Materials/Resources: Opening Activity: Instructional Activity: Practice Activity: Assessment Activity:
Major Assignments- Keys to Earning Full Credit Follow the rubrics! Start early, ask questions early Feel free to run ideas by me, ahead of time Meet the deadlines, but be sure what you turn in is your best work.
APA Review: Direct quotes, Paraphrasing, & Summarizing Use direct quotations by copying the words exactly as the author has written them. Place quotation marks around the copied text. When you can't say it any other way or the words are powerfully written and you want to include the researcher's "voice," use a quotation. Use quotes sparingly! Paraphrasing concisely rephrases the original text. Be very careful when you put someone else’s statements into your own words. Summarizing condenses the author's ideas in different words. Be very careful that you are not inadvertently incorporating the author's exact language. You should accurately represent what the author actually found or argued.
APA Review: Direct quotes, Paraphrasing, & Summarizing If you cite it in your response, be sure you provide the full reference! Cite: Author, year. If a direct quote, use author, year, page #. Reference: Author, year. Title of work. Source of publication.
This week- Seminar- Welcome to the Course! Come to the Seminar prepared to discuss the following questions: As you’ve read, low profile classroom management puts the teacher in an “anticipatory” state, trying to head off problems before they occur. Read the case study on p. 213 of your Borich textbook. Identify the classroom management techniques that Mr. Scott has incorporated into his classroom. What similar techniques could you apply to your own classroom?
Due this week (Tues. Jan. 17) (Unit 5)- Parent Teacher Conference DB; Prepare for Reflective Journal
Upcoming Unit 6: Direct and Indirect Instruction Strategies Reading: Borich: Chapters 7 and 8; review chapter 4. Assignments: Unit 6 DB; Prepare for reflective journal (due unit 7) instructional unit (due Unit 9) Course Schedule Chart available in Doc Sharing- Course Topics, Seminar Schedule, Major Assignment Due Date Reminders