Digging Deep into Reading Informational Text CCSS Standards 1-3
BCSD PD Norms Silence Electronic Devices!
BCSD PD Norms Be Present and Participate!
BCSD PD Norms Be Present and Participate!
BCSD PD Norms Refrain from Side Conversations!
Pathway to become College and Career Ready Demonstrate independence Build strong content knowledge Respond to the varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline Comprehend as well as critique Value evidence Use technology and digital media strategically and capably Come to understand other perspectives and cultures
Close Reading Activity
Independent Reading Task #1 Read closely the grade level progression for each standards (1-3). (start with grade 5 and back channel) Read the unpacking pieces for your grade level. *annotate or highlight key words.. (Five Minutes)
RI 1- Student in the fifth grade….. Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. Identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph text, as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text. Identify the main topic and retell key details of a text With prompting and support, identify the main topic and retell key details of a text.
Discussion Task #2 What do the three standards require students to be able to do? What are the key skills/strategies that are in common? Chart your groups thoughts on what a teacher has to do more of and less of.. (15 minutes)
Demonstration of the Strategy Demonstration of the Strategy * model the strategy * stop at key points to question, prompt, and mirror the thinking required of the strategy
Practice the Strategy Practice the Strategy * use easy text to practice the strategy * discuss use of the strategy
Apply the Strategy Apply the Strategy * use the strategy in regular assignments * design the assignment so that the new strategy has to be used
Planning Strategic Lessons Before Reading Teacher Instructional PracticesSample Student Activities Teachers must: Help students activate prior knowledge. Help students establish purpose for reading. Encourage students to generate questions. Ask students to make predictions about text. Help students construct graphic organizers. Connect reading and writing. Students will: Brainstorm concepts, key words, and ideas. Establish reading goals based upon purpose for reading. Turn headings into questions. Predict and verify based on scan or preview of content. Construct a graphic organizer based on text structure to use during reading. Write in a journal, vocabulary notebook, or other forms to connect with the text to be read.
Planning Strategic Lessons D uring Reading Teacher Instructional PracticesSample Student Activities Teachers must: Model metacognitive and cognitive processes. Verify and/or formulate predictions. Help students integrate new data with prior knowledge. Get students to think about what they are reading. Help students construct graphic organizers. Summarize text. Read aloud. Think aloud. Students will: Find answers to self-initiated questions Read silently. Read with a partner. Predict and verify. Re-read if necessary. Take notes. Construct and use graphic organizers.
Planning Strategic Lessons After Reading Teacher instructional PracticesSample Student Activities Teachers must: Encourage students to reflect on what they have read Prompt students to evaluate predictions. Examine questions that guide reading. Require students to respond to text through discussion. Require students to respond to text through writing. Encourage retelling or summarizing. Connect writing to reading. Students will: Discuss. Debate. Respond to questions. Verify predictions. Construct a graphic organizer. Write in a journal. Retell. Summarize. Role play. Research. Read related materials.
Links to Strategic Lesson Planning Resources and Templates Links to Strategic Lesson Planning Resources and Templates ok.pdf 9a31-427e-a85e- 712fd1f2bc15/0/ccsso_contentliteracy.pdf ok.pdf 9a31-427e-a85e- 712fd1f2bc15/0/ccsso_contentliteracy.pdf