Bell Ringer (10 th ) In a brief paragraph, summarize yesterday’s “Lost Generation” (poem) lesson. Be sure to explain after the summary what you “got” from it.
Bell Ringer— (12 th ) List 5 words that describe your first impression of 12 th grade based on your experiences from yesterday.
Bell Ringer (10 th ) Evalute your values being sure to identify your top “value.” Then, describe why the value you chose is your most important one.
Bell Ringer— (12 th ) Evaluate yesterday’s TV list activity by addressing why you feel each group came up with “education/information” as a top “quality” characteristic of a TV show.
Bell Ringer (10 th ) The painting we analyzed yesterday is called “Christina’s World.” Based on this information, what can we infer is the meaning of the picture? Support your answer with details & patterns you wrote down.
Bell Ringer— (12 th ) Explain briefly how debates over TV show “quality” compare to debates over Literature “quality.” Identify the issue with determining “quality.”
Bell Ringer (10 th ) In a bulleted list, trace 5 positives you envision with the use of Edmodo for this class. Be sure to organize your points from most beneficial to least beneficial.
Bell Ringer— (12 th ) In a bulleted list, trace 5 positives you envision with the use of Edmodo for this class. Be sure to organize your points from most beneficial to least beneficial.
Bell Ringer (10 th ) Yesterday we read a “simple” text that seemingly was about people at the movies. In a brief paragraph, explain what the passage taught you about what it takes to make inferences when you read. Use a few examples to support your responses.
Bell Ringer— (12 th ) In a brief paragraph, describe the purpose of a resume. Be sure to identify part/sections of a resume in your description.
Bell Ringer n (10 th ) Have your values introduction paragraph out on the corner of your desk. I DO NOT want to hear excuses about not being about to print and/or not having it. Find ONE partner to study your literary terms packet. Ask each other questions. (4 minutes)
Bell Ringer (10 th ) List the 3 main parts that make up an introduction paragraph of an essay. Then, briefly describe each part. [3 minutes]
Bell Ringer— (12 th ) Select any two types of lit crit to describe. [2 minutes]
Bell Ringer (10 th ) Explain the difference between the 3 different kinds of ironies—verbal, situational, dramatic. [try to do it without your notes, then refer to your notes if needed]
Bell Ringer (10 th ) Give examples of the following: Symbol Situational irony Foreshadowing
Bell Ringer— (12 th ) Explain/define metamorphosis.
Bell Ringer (10 th ) Have out the following assignments to be checked: Reader’s Log CRCT form DEJ (stapled & ready to be handed in) 4 minutes to do… Identify which literary term (at this point) tends to stump/confuse you. Then, come up with a clever way to remember what it means!
Bell Ringer (10 th ) First, explain the difference between a flat character and a round character. Then, explain the difference between a static character and a dynamic character. *You may use examples to help in your explanation.
Bell Ringer (12 th ) Quickly review your literary terminology as we are going to play a review game! Also, figure out who you want as your partner! [2 minutes]
Round 1 Symbol Imagery Stream-of-consciousness Novella Patriarchy
Round 2 Matriarchy Poetic Justice Prose Protagonist Unreliable Narrator
Bell Ringer (10 th ) Number a page in your bell ringer book 1-8. Leave spaces in between. We are going to do a brainteaser (fake quiz) on your literary terms… so take a minute and look them over!
Bell Ringer (10 th ) 1) Have your DEJ’s staples with MLA heading & ready to be passed in. 2) Have your CRCT forms out on the right-hand corner of your desk so I can check them. 3) Figure out who is going to be your LIT TERMS study partner/group. Have out the LIT TERM packet!