Created by Jonathan Lee and Allen Lim Probation: What Works? PRESENTATION TITLE Created by Jonathan Lee and Allen Lim
In this Presentation: An Overview of the Current System 2 Different Programs, 2 Success Stories Recommendations for Probation’s Future
Today’s Probation The current probation model 3 types of caseloads: Regular Caseload Banked Caseload Specialized Caseload
Probation Officer Opinions Goal ambiguity Is there a clear departmental goal? Lack of funding = increased rates of recidivism
2 Different Approaches; 2 Success Stories Rehabilitative Travis County (TX) 10-Step Program Punitive Hawaii’s Opportunity Probation with Enforcement (HOPE)
Travis County (TX) 10-Step: A Rehabilitative Process Program followed 4 core practices: Effectively assess probationers’ criminogenic risks and strengths Employ smart and tailored supervision tactics Use incentives and graduated sanctions, and respond promptly to probationers’ behaviors Implement performance-driven personnel that reward reduced recidivism
Travis County (TX) 10-Step: A Rehabilitative Process Results: Reductions in probation revocation hearings saved $400,000 in local jail costs per year ($24 per day, per person) One year re-arrest rate fell 17% Re-arrest rates for low-risk offenders fell 77%
Hawaii’s Opportunity Probation with Enforcement (HOPE): The Punitive Approach Probationers are required to phone in every weekday Probation violations result in immediate stay in jail Probation can be modified for probationer to resume normal life
Hawaii’s Opportunity Probation with Enforcement (HOPE): Results: Missed appointment rate fell from 13.3% to 2.6% “Dirty” drug tests fell from 49.3% to 6.5% Provided a fiscal saving of $6000 per participant, per year About 80% probationers on HOPE stopped using drugs Abbreviated probation modification hearings economized court time
Different Successful Approaches with Similar Successful Characteristics Success through use of: Cognitive-Behavioral Methods (CBM) Proven Evidence-Based Practices (EBP) Risk-Needs-Responsivity (RNR)
What Other Members of the Criminal Justice Field have Recommended Reduced Caseload Size Placeload Probation
Is there a Proven Solution? No. Not one program has been proven to work in every jurisdiction
Our Recommendations Start with a more sociological approach to understanding people within the jurisdiction Based on findings, determine which enforcement approach (rehabilitative or punitive), and set that as a departmental goal Train officers to use new methods of interacting with probationers such as Motivational Interviewing (MI)
Our Recommendations Use already successful screening process, such as Static Risk and Offender Needs Guide (STRONG-R), Risk Need Responsivity (RNR), and Strategic Training Initiative in Community Supervision (STICS) for each offender Enforce and patrol based on results of survey and new departmental standards Tinker and tailor program to fit needs
Conclusion There is no proven solution to effective probation enforcement Overall No one program is applicable for every jurisdiction The only proven way to reduce recidivism is to tailor programs specifically for a certain population/jurisdiction The most important thing for probation departments: DETERMINE THE GOAL!!
The End Thank you for your time!
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