cringe Needles make George cringe. Lisa had to cringe when she watched the skier tumble down the snowy cliff. Definition: to draw back in fear or pain
nurture Pedro decided to nurture the kitten his daughter found in the alley. Alexandra nurtured her sister’s five children after she and her husband died in a car accident. Definition: to raise; to nourish, educate or train
brawl The old western included a saloon brawl between the guys in white hats and guys in black hats. A brawl started in the stadium when the home football team lost the game. Definition: a noisy fight
jaunt The friends took a jaunt out to the lake so they could paddle around in their canoe. Mr. Hanson was tired of chopping wood, so he took a little jaunt into town to see a movie. Definition: a short trip for pleasure
bland Marta complained that the salad was bland without peppers. Martha will only eat bland food because of her digestion trouble. Definition: dull and tasteless
envious Whenever Dora looked at her neighbor’s beautiful rose garden, she couldn’t help comparing it to her own sickly-looking plants and feeling a little envious. James was so envious of his brother that he couldn’t bear to congratulate him on his national win. Definition: jealous over someone else’s good fortune
celebrity Cameras clicked and flashed as the celebrity made her entrance. Ling wanted to star on a soap opera and become a television celebrity. Definition: a famous person
aromatic Cecilia always wore an aromatic perfume that reminded her husband of the ocean. The aromatic bread baking in the oven made the house seem safe and cozy. Definition: sweet smelling; fragrant
lurk Colin was always on the alert because his sister like to lurk behind the sofa, jumping out and scaring him when he stumbled to breakfast half asleep. The tiger sensed the hunters lurking in the bushes. Definition: to sneak around or hide in order to attack
edible Octopus may not look edible, but many people find it delicious. Susan refuses to believe that snails are edible. Definition: fit to be eaten
secular There are many examples of beautiful music, both sacred and secular. In order to nurture one’s spirit, it is sometimes necessary to retreat from the secular world. Definition: having to do with the ordinary, rather than the religious or spiritual
quirky Simon had a few quirky personality traits, but they didn’t bother Anne-Marie a bit. Savannah had a quirky way of dressing that attracted attention wherever she went. Definition: eccentric; peculiar; odd or unusual