Part-Part-Whole Fact Families
I can write 4 equations for a fact family. I can find the missing part in a fact family. Learning Targets
Two parts make a whole
This is how it looks on a number line 6 3 Whole 9
What are the addition equations? 6 3 Whole 9 Part Whole += +=
What are the addition equations? 6 3 Whole 9 Part Whole 6+3=9 3+6=9
What if you are missing one part? ? Whole 9 6 What goes with 6 to make 9?
What if you are missing one part? ? Whole 9 6 Another way to say that is 6 + ? = 9
What if you are missing one part? ? Whole = ? or
What is the subtraction equation? ? Whole 9 6 WholePart -=
What is the subtraction equation? ? Whole 9 6 WholePart 9-6=3
What if you are missing the other part? 3 Whole 9 ? What goes with 3 to make 9?
What if you are missing the other part? 3 Whole 9 ? Another way to say that is 3 + ? = 9
What if you are missing the other part? 3 Whole 9 ? = ? or
What is the subtraction equation? WholePart -= 3 Whole 9 ?
What is the subtraction equation? WholePart 9-3=6 3 Whole 9 ?
This fact family has 4 equations What are they? Part Whole += += Part -= -= 6 3 Whole 9
This fact family has 4 equations What are they? 6 3 Whole 9 Part Whole 6+3=9 3+6=9 Part 9-6=3 9-3=6
Now you try it. 10? Whole 14 What is missing?
Now you try it. 10? Whole 14 What goes with 10 to make 14?
Now you try it. 10? Whole ? = = ?
104 Whole 14 What are the parts? What is the whole?
104 Whole 14 What are the 4 equations? Part Whole += += Part -= -=
104 Whole 14 What are the 4 equations? Part Whole 10+4= =14 WholePart 14-4= =4
Here’s another one. ? * * * 3 7 What is missing?
Here’s another one. ? * * * 3 7 What goes with 3 to make 7?
Here’s another one. ? * * * ? = = ?
Here’s another one. * * 4 * * * 3 7 What are the parts? What is the whole?
What are the 4 equations? * * 4 * * * 3 7 Part Whole += += Part -= -=
What are the 4 equations? * * 4 * * * 3 7 Part Whole 4+3=7 3+4=7 Part 7-3=4 7-4=3