Postoperative care starts with the application of an adequate internal and external nose dressing. The follow-up does not end with removal of the nose dressing.
Intranasal lidocaine plus nephazoline nitrate improves surgical conditions and perioperative analgesia in septorhinoplasty surgery a simple and efficient technique for decreasing intra- and postoperative pain and for lessening rescue analgesic requirements in the postoperative period after septorhinoplasty.
Evaluation of time of nasal packing after nasal surgery: a randomized trial. the end of the procedure, surgeons should evaluate the risk of postoperative bleeding (i.e., presence of hypertension) and decide whether 24-hour nasal packing is enough.
to fix the skin on the under-layer, thereby reducing dead space – to prevent hematomas and swelling – to prevent displacement by outside trauma – to prevent widening of the lateral walls by intranasal edema
What How long
Prophylactic vs Postoperative Antibiotic Use in Complex Septorhinoplasty Surgery A Prospective, Randomized, Single-blind Trial Comparing Efficacy We recommend the use of prophylactic antibiotics rather than empirical postoperative antibiotics for patients undergoing complex septorhinoplasty
A Randomized, Controlled Comparison between placebo and Steroids in the Management of Post rhinoplasty Ecchymosis and Edema This study suggests that corticosteroids may be effective in reducing edema during the early postoperative period.
raise the head of the bed when resting or sleeping; – apply cold compresses regularly during the first day after operation; – prevent blowing the nose fiercely and when sneezing occurs, sneeze through the mouth; –
avoid any intensive physical activity or traumatizing sports for six weeks; – do not wear spectacles resting on an operated nose bridge until six weeks after operation; – do not drink alcohol or smoke
When it subside Persistent dark circle
Hanasono triamcinolone 1 to 2 weeks after surgery., Guyuron 0.2 to 0.4 cc of 20 mcg/cc of triamcinolone in the deep subcutaneous tissue if taping fails after 6 to 8 weeks.
4 Fig. 3 Fig. 3 Supratip taping.