Marijuana The Science about teens & marijuana that you should know... Ms. Markowski
Remember the basics of the brain & drug use? All Drugs release large amounts of neurotransmitters, which flood the receptors in the brain, leading to the “high”. Overtime, natural neurotransmitter level is reduced due to homeostasis, and receptors start to die, leading to tolerance 3 parts of the brain impacted most by drugs: 1. Prefrontal Cortex: decision making KEY POINT: PFC is the last to develop yet 1 st to be damaged by drug use! 2. Limbic System: pain and pleasure 3. Brain Stem: 4 B’s Most common start for Mainers who use pot is between (2013 data) yet brain doesn’t stop growing until 25
Marijuana, THC & the Teen Brain (From Journal of Neuroscience & Brain in Hand by Daniel Siegel) THC slaughters young neurons in the teen brain Epigenetic studies show THC exposure to a teen brain can “pop the lid off” dormant genetic predispositions for the following mental illnesses: Anxiety Schizophrenia / Drug induced Psychosis Addiction Essentially, THC has been shown to “awaken” genes that otherwise may never have been expressed if not for the exposure of THC LATEST NEWS: BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) is depleted in teen brain when exposed to THC. However, BDNF increases in exposure when THC is given to Alzheimer patients over the age of 70!
Teen Brain, THC & Your Life Facts 1. Short term memory loss (can’t have new long term memories without the short term) 2. Not able to shift attention effectively while high (driving & school issues) 1. Fixation while high does not = focus 2. It can look & feel like pot is helping you focus but it’s fixation & overcompensation 3. Colorado has had fatal car crashes due to pot double since legalization 3. Lower verbal IQ with pot use (aphasia-like speech) Lower verbal IQ with pot use (aphasia-like speech) 4. State-dependent learning: 1. when you learn something while high, you remember it when high, when you learn something sober, you remember it sober 2. Aerosmith band member & Eric Clapton both had to relearn guitar after getting sober! 5. Marijuana stores in fat cells so it has a longer impact even if you don’t feel high 6. Many career applications ask, “Have you ever had any alcohol or drug related incidents? 1. Then they search your online profiles for evidence & privacy settings do not matter when employees want to hire you 7. Increases in Theta waves (just like early sleep) so it feels good!
Marijuana’s Potency 175%-800% Higher than in 1970s
Why is marijuana today stronger than in was years ago? Genetic engineering has allowed people to increase the concentration of THC in different marijuana seeds Today’s pot is at least 175% stronger than pot in 80s & 90s
Medical Marijuana (CBD) General benefits - Decrease nausea/vomiting - Increase appetite - Reduces blood pressure in eyes - Can lessen perception of pain Diseases: - Cancer - AIDS -Glaucoma -Multiple Sclerosis
Marijuana 101 Is it addictive? Read about it here: Notre DameNotre Dame ~17% of teens who try it become addicted ~45% of daily users become addicted - 17% of all rehab admissions (this is a 145% increase since 1992) THC from just one joint takes 7 days to get out of the body, and 42 days if someone is a daily user. Withdrawal starts 3 weeks after someone’s last dose. Withdrawal Symptoms:1-3 weeks after last use Irritability- sleeplessness - aggression Anxiety- depression- cravings
Check these out (Colorado’s campaign to prevent teen MJ use) (Mouse Party Marijuana) (ASAP science video on MJ)