Distance Learning Development in The College of Natural Resources A brief history Programs under development Survey of CNR Faculty & Staff - delivery of courses - student interaction - technologies - challenges
A Brief History in our College Some faculty involved in DE since 1980’s Creation of Distance Education & Learning Technology Applications (DELTA) unit within University Information Technology in 1990’s provided grant & technical support Currently, there are approximately 30 faculty in three departments teaching 35 DE courses There is one DE Masters degree operating, and five programs under development
DE Programs Master of Wood & Paper Science (2000) - Wood Products concentration - Paper Science concentration Master of Environmental Assessment (2009) GIS Certificate (2008) Master in GIS (2009) Master of Parks, Rec. & Tourism Mgmt (2009) MS in Biomass Sustainability (2009)
Delivery Methods of Courses Lectures taped onto DVD - with or without students present - mailed to distance students Lectures posted onto course web sites: - created by faculty - Vista, Blackboard Classroom Capture - sent by web to distance students who participate actively
Delivery Methods of Courses Course PowerPoint visuals and text - with or without voice over - with or without visible instructor (“talking head”) Web courses delivered directly to the student by faculty from their offices, using webcam on computer Lectures recorded using blue / green screen technology (expensive). No satellite transmission is used
Delivery Methods of Courses Overall assessment is that faculty groups become comfortable with their own form of delivery, and learn from each other As technology simplifies the process, faculty will adapt One area of difference, is the importance of seeing the instructor (not needed; or human factor is very important)
Student Interaction Considered to be the most important and greatest challenge All faculty use the web & Low enrollment classes use telephone Time is a major issue. Faculty noted distance students require twice as much interaction time.
Student Interaction Faculty are continually increasing the level of resource material available electronically Differences in skill level (prerequisites, and computer technology) are more common with DE students Teaching assistant support is desired
Student Interaction Faculty generally believe in the beauty of DE course flexibility for the student Many faculty believe that DE is more effective than on–campus learning - adult learners more motivated - actually more interaction with student
Technology and Support Software / Hardware Systems used by faculty include: Capture & Deliver Real-Time Interaction - Classroom Capture - TV Studio Classroom - Real Presenter - Elluminate - Webcam - Centra - Camtasia - Skype Currently, there seems to be a sense that Classroom Capture offers the most flexibility, although it still has a way to go (resolution, band width, visibility of instructor)
Technology and Support Approximately 80% of all DE faculty received support / training / grants from the University’s IT group (DELTA) Support of various technologies is available from University IT, College IT, and other faculty Faculty are responsible for content Programming is an IT support function, until process is universally simplified
Visions and Challenges Which technology should I use and why? Provide all lecture content forms, easily intermixed and delivered with best quality Release time is needed for course development – DE courses require more work Student Disability considerations Intellectual property issues may affect delivery
Visions and Challenges Assessment of value - To faculty, for promotion & tenure. How to balance effort with research and on-campus courses - To department and college, for financial resources, enrollment, credit production - To all parties, recognition in the field
Marketing What are general and niche markets? Distinguish between the markets for - short courses - traditional courses - certificates - degrees