Parks, Recreation, & Tourism Jon Halliday April/12/2014
Vision and Mission Vision “We advance individual, community, and environmental health through education, research, and action informed by the preventive, developmental, and rehabilitative powers of parks, recreation, and tourism.” Mission “We create, share, and apply knowledge about parks, recreation, and tourism to inspire students, inform policy, serve social needs, encourage sustainability and economic vitality, and advocate for the health of people, communities, and the environment of which we are part.”
Undergrad Program Every student has certain requirements that they must complete in the undergraduate program, in order for them to develop the skill sets necessary for them to enter the graduate program. There are certain classes that are needed for the undergrad program such as: Math 1030, English 2010, Writing 3310, PRT 3310, and PRT 3780.
Undergrad Emphasis Areas There are specific areas in which you can choose from, which depend all on your specific interests such as: Therapeutic Recreation Sustainable Tourism Management Hospitality Management Sports Management Commercial Recreation Adventure and Outdoor Programs Natural Resources Planning and Management
Graduate Program The University of Utah offers two specific graduate degrees, One is a Masters of Science and the other is a Doctoral Program.
Graduate Program (MASTERS) “At the master's degree (M.S.) level, you may choose either thesis or non-thesis professional preparation programs. You can specialize in areas involving tourism, commercial recreation, natural resource management, therapeutic recreation, or experiential education.”
Graduate Program (DOCTORAL) “At the doctoral level, you may engage in studies leading to the Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Education degrees.”
Internships Opportunities The department of Parks and Recreation requires its students to partake in internship opportunities. My last year here I would like to partake in one of these sports organizations to see what really goes on behind the scenes. Companies Real Salt Lake Utah Jazz Utah Grizzlies Salt Lake Bees Utah Blaze
Why I Decided to Choose this Road?? I decided to choose this specific degree because of my love for sports and the outdoors. I have always wanted to excel in whatever it may be that I am doing and especially in sports, and this degree allows me to be able and accomplish that. This will hopefully one day give me the opportunity to work for a big time sports organization in which I can excel in.
Credits The University of Utah’s Parks, Recreation and Tourism Website: Background Photos: otels/large%20pics/the- masters01