Test Review Executive Branch Presidential and Bureaucracy packet.


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Presentation transcript:

Test Review Executive Branch Presidential and Bureaucracy packet

Powers of the President What can the president do alone? What can the president do with Senate? What can the president do with Congress as a whole? What can’t the president do that he could at one time?

Presidential Power Weak in which areas? Strong in which areas?

Hiring and Firing What is the process like? Why do we have this process? How do we keep subordinates loyal?

elections Who was elected, which parties?

Ordinance Power What is the ordinance power?

What is the bureaucracy? Know the definition and the characteristics of a bureaucracy

Restraints on Bureaucracy Know those things that act as constraints on the bureaucracy

Presidential Actions and the media What can the president use to influence legislation?

sources of presidential power Where does his power come from? Media, previous administrations, public support, Constitution

Checks and Balances How does the president check the legislative branch? How does the president check the judicial branch? How do the other branches check the executive branch?

Impeachment Proceedings Review this from legislative branch


Different Forms of Vetoes Veto Pocket Veto

Line Item Veto What was this? What happened to this power?

Treaties How are these made?

White House Staff Who does he pick to be on his White House staff?

Line Item Veto Why would someone support it?

Duties of the VP What are the Constitutional duties of the Vice President?

How do we elect the Pres? Electoral College

Term Limits and Amendments 22nd 25th

Impoundment Review this term - it will show up again

Cabinet Secretaries Access to the Pres? Who controls this? What are the different ways to organize them?

Growth of Prestige Why has the power and prestige of the American presidency grown? Prominence in international affairs New Deal and other programs increased visibility due to the mass media

Who does he rely on? Who does he rely most heavily on?

Succession Acts Succession Act of 1886 Succession Act of th 22nd

Presidential powers in the Constitution Is Article II specific or broad?

War Powers Act review this

Budget Impoundment Act review this

Qualifications for the Presidency? 35, 14 year resident, natural born

Reduction of Power How has Congress tried to reduce the power of the presidency?

US v Nixon What did the Supreme Court say about Executive privilege? What did this case establish?

Independent Regulatory Commissions What are the characteristics of these? quasi legislative and quasi judicial

Gore’s Attempt to Reform He was able to reduce the size a bit...but not as successful as one would like

Federal Reserve Board What is this? Why has it grown in importance?

Pendleton Act What was this? What did it do away with?

Iron Triangles Agency, Congressional Committee, Interest Group