BEA Orientation November 13, 2007
What is in the Architecture? Defense Acquisition System (DAS) Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) Programming, Planning, Budget, and Execution System (PPBES) Principal DOD Decision Support Processes Federal Laws, Policies, and Regulations Federal Enterprise Architecture Business Reference Model (FEA BRM) US Standard General Ledger (USSGL) National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA 2005) Federal Financial Management System Requirements (FFMSR) Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA 4.1) Joint Chief of Staff Doctrine, Instructions, and Policies Joint Pubs Universal Joint Task List (UJTL) Office of the Undersecretary of Defense, Comptroller & AT&L To-Be Capabilities Standard Financial Information Structure (SFIS)
Business Enterprise Priorities The Business Enterprise Priorities on the right address the top level responsibilities for the Department of Defense associated with each Core Business Mission (CBM) on the left. DOD Core Business Missions (CBM’s) DOD “Four Questions” for BMA BEA 4.1 DOD Business Enterprise Priorities (BEP’s) Human Resources Management Who are our people, what are their skills, where are they located? Financial Visibility Materiel Visibility Common Supplier Engagement Personnel Visibility Real Property Accountability Acquisition Visibility Weapon System Lifecycle Management Who are our industry partners, and what is the state of our relationship with them? Materiel Supply & Service Management What assets are we providing to support the warfighter, and where are these assets deployed? Real Property & Installations Lifecycle Mgmt How are we investing our funds to best enable the warfighting mission? Financial Management Required Integration Components ARMY NAVY/MC Air Force DLA USTRANSCOM …
Questions To Be Answered Who are our people, what are their skills, where are they located? How are we investing our funds to best enable the warfighting mission? Who are our industry partners, and what is the state of our relationship with them? What assets are we providing to support the warfighter, and where are these assets deployed? ENTERPRISE QUESTIONS What functions and process standards, interoperability standards, and data standards are needed to provide accurate and timely information for financial visibility? What functions and process standards, interoperability standards, and data standards need to exist to provide accurate financial information? FINANCIAL VISIBILITY QUESTIONS Can we ensure that funds are used in accordance with the budget and that program performance supports achieving strategic capabilities? Can we capture the full costs of DoD programs, assets, and liabilities? Can we ensure accurate and timely payments to DoD business partners and service members? Can we provide financial reporting and financial accountability that is ultimately supported by program accountability? Can we provide accurate and timely financial information to support management decision making? INTEGRATION OUTCOMES TO TEST SAMPLE THREADS
FM Capabilities to Process Threads to Activities Perform Forecasting, Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Funds Distribution and Control Manage Financial Assets and Liabilities Managerial Accounting Collect and Disburse Manage General Ledger Financial Reporting FV OV6-C Process Perform Planning, Programming, Budgeting, Funds Distribution and Control Manage Financial Assets and Liabilities Perform Managerial Accounting Perform Collection and Disbursement Manage General Ledger Manage Financial Reporting A121 Perform Executive Level Planning A123 Collect Program and Budget Information A126 Track Congressional Action A811 Manage Liabilities A221 Define Cost Performance Model A841 Manage Disbursements A831 Manage Execution Fund Account A81 Manage Financial Reporting Requirement A1221 Evaluate Strategic Goals A1241 Develop Budget Guidance A1271 Execute Continuing Resolution A8121 Establish Receivables A222 Populate Cost Performance Model A842 Manage Collections A832 Post to General Ledger A1222 Issue Fiscal Guidance A1243 Evaluate Budget Submission A1272 Execute Apportionment A8122 Manage Accounts Receivable Balance A223 Perform Cost Performance Analysis A814 Manage Execution with Treasury A851 Manage General Ledge Structure A1223 Develop Program Guidance A1244 Issue Budget Decision FV OV5 Activities A1273 Allocate Funds A8123 Manage Delinquent Debt A852 Manage Standard Financial Management Structure A1224 Evaluate Program Information A1245 Incorporate Program Decisions A1274 Manage Baseline for Reprogramming A8124 Manage Billing A853 Issue Policy and Guidance A1225 Develop and Resolve Programmatic Issues A1246 Negotiate OMB Passback A1275 Perform Reprogramming A813 Manage Investments A1226 Issue Program Decision Memorandum A1247 Prepare DoD Submission for President's Budget A1276 Execute Rescission and Deferrals Actions A814 Manage Entitlement A1227 Update FYDP A125 Support Congressional Budget Review
DoDAF Architecture Products AV-1/2 Scope and Definition Executive Overview and Encyclopedia OV-2 Operational Nodes Who does what? OV-3 Information Exchange Who Says What to Whom? OV-5 Activity Model What gets done? OV-6a Business Rules . . . provides . . . What are the rules? OV-6c Process Model How do things get done? What data supports the information needs? OV-7 Data Model SV-1 System Interfaces What IT resources are available to support what gets done? SV-5 System Functions Map What can be supported through IT automation? SV-6 Systems Data Exchange What information is exchanged between systems? TV-1 Standards What are the standards?
Financial Portions of the BEA Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Cost Accounting Accounting, Finance and Reporting
Financial Portions of the BEA-Cont
Financial Portions of the BEA-Cont
OV-5 - Activity Model – What gets done? Controls Inputs Outputs Mechanisms
OV-5 Example
OV-3 – Information Exchange – Who Says What To Whom?
OV-6c Process Model – How things get done?
OV-6c Process Model - Cont
OV-6C-Process Model - Cont Disbursement Pro Forma Entries: SFIS Elements
OV-7 - What data supports the information needs?
OV-6a – Business Rules - What are the rules? Transaction Amount Data Element has 3 Business Associated Business Rules: ENT_Transaction_Amount_Purpose Description: Transaction Amount must be used for general ledger posting, financial reporting, budgetary control, and funds control. ENT_Transaction_Amount_Syntax Description: Transaction Amount must be 17 numeric characters. ex. 000000053000000.00 Data values: There is no list of values applicable for this element. ENT_Transaction_Amount_System Description: Each accounting system must store and maintain Transaction Amount values.