CSC 205 Java Programming II Introduction
Topics Syllabus Course goals and approach Review I Java language fundamentals
Syllabus Textbooks King’s book Useful Java classes Subclassing GUI programming Main’s book Data structures, aka ADT’s OOP using the Java Collections Framework Recursion PSP book A discipline for programming practices
Grading Policies Major components in this class Lectures Quizzes: exercises before mid-terms 4X25 Mid-terms: materials covered in lectures4X100 Final exam: comprehensive 200 Labs: guided programming exercises 12X5 Projects: well-defined s/w development 6X40 AP test: for course assessment purpose 20
Goals Successful completion of the course Fruitful learning experience with lots of fun Academic achievements Fundamental concepts of OO programming Concepts and implementations of selected ADTs Lists, stacks, queues, trees, etc Simple GUI programming in Java Applets Applications Recursion Java programming best practices
Approach Major components Lectures + reading assignments + class discussions Guided in-class lab sessions, prepare you for Programming assignments Quizzes + review sessions, prepare you for Tests Other arrangements Slides, class notes, and review sheets Using IDE for convenient programming and debugging Sample code reveals how working systems work In-class project discussions and special appointments
Review I – Java Fundamentals Java data types Statements Arrays
Java Data Types Primitive types Numeric types Integers: int, long, short, byte Floating-point numbers: double, float Characters: char Boolean: boolean Reference types, or objects Identifiers are references pointing to objects, not objects themselves To be detailed in Review II
Statements Assignment Compound assignment operators Decision making if-else switch Conditional operator Repetition while for do-while Exception handling try-catch-finally