Towards a Mapping of Modern AIS and Learning Classifier Systems Larry Bull Department of Computer Science & Creative Technologies University of the West of England, U.K.
Background For 25 years correlations between aspects of AIS and Learning Classifier Systems (LCS) have been highlighted. Neither field appears to have benefitted. More recently, an LCS has been presented for unsupervised learning which, with hindsight, may be viewed as a form of AIS. Purpose is to bring this LCS to the attention of the AIS community with the aim of serving as a catalyst for sharing ideas and mechanisms.
LCS in a Nutshell Invented by John Holland circa Consist of an “ecology” of rules. IF AND THEN Reward Traditionally use reinforcement learning techniques to approximate rule utility. Use evolutionary computing techniques to discover new rules. Often incorporate other heuristics.
Environment reward [P] 10#0:11 EA [M] [A] [A] -1 Action selection Prediction 0,10,2,9 stateaction Q-learning
CS-1 Holland & Reitman ‘78 LCS Holland ‘80 Boole Wilson ‘87 ZCS Wilson ‘94 New Boole Bonelli et al. ‘90 XCS Wilson ‘95 UCS Bernado- Mansilla & Garrell ‘03 XCSF Wilson ‘00 Gofer Booker ‘82 XCSC Tammee et al.’08 CFCS2 Riolo ‘90 ACS Stolzmann ‘98 ACS2 Butz et al. ‘02 Regression (& Reinforcement) Reinforcement SupervisedUnsupervisedModels Learning Classifier Systems Family Tree Animat Wilson ‘85
From LCS to AIS Recently presented a novel variant of XCS for data clustering. Approach exploits the mechanisms inherent to XCS but for unsupervised learning. Aim is to develop an approach to learning rules which accurately describe clusters - without prior assumptions as to their number within a given dataset. With hindsight approach is a form of clonal selection AIS.
YCSC Schematic Data cluster descriptor EA [M] [P] data Error updates
Rule Representation: Bounded Affinity A condition consists of intervals: { {c 1,s 1 }, ….. {c d,s d } } c is the interval’s range centre from [0.0,1.0] s is the “spread” from that centre (truncated). d is the number of dimensions. Each interval predicates’ upper and lower bounds are calculated as: [c i - s i, c i + s i ].
Fitness Each rule maintains a running estimate of matching error and niche size. Error is derived from the Euclidean distance with respect to the input x and c in the condition of each member of [M]:
Niches Niche size estimates ( ) are based on match sets, i.e., number of concurrently active rules: j j + ( |[M]| - j ) A time-triggered Genetic Algorithm is run in the match sets.
Selection All rules maintain a time-stamp of the cycle when they were last in an [M] where the GA was used. If GA cycles or more have passed on average for all rules in a current [M], the GA is triggered. The GA uses roulette-wheel selection with a scalable function: 1 Fitness = v + 1 Time-stamps are reset for all members of [M]
Search Offspring are produced via mutation (probability ) where we mutate an allele by adding an amount + or - rand(m 0 ). Crossover (probability , two-point) can occur between any two alleles, i.e., within an interval predicate as well as between predicates. If no rules match on a given time step, then a covering operator is used which creates a rule with its condition centre on the input value and the spread with a range of rand(s 0 ), which then replaces an existing member of the rulebase.
Replacement Rule replacement is population wide and proportional to niche occupancy. Each rule maintains an estimate of the size of [M] in which it occurs. Roulette-wheel selection. Encourages all niches to contain the same number of rules; rule resource is balanced.
Learning Process Generalization Max gen. 0 1 Fitness niche 1/error
Experiments Clustering is an important unsupervised classification technique where a set of data are grouped into clusters. Done in such a way that data in the same cluster are similar in some sense and data in different clusters are dissimilar in the same sense.
Some Data Used randomly generated synthetic datasets. The first dataset is well-separated and has k = 25 true clusters arranged in a 5x5 grid in d = 2 dimension. Each cluster is generated from 400 data points using a Gaussian distribution with a standard deviation of 0.02, for a total of n = 10,000 datum. The second dataset is not well-separated and generated it in the same way as the first except the clusters are not centred on that of their given cell in the grid.
Experimental Detail The parameters used were: N=800, =0.2, v =5, =0.8, =0.04, GA =12, s 0 =0.03, m 0 = All results presented are the average of ten runs. Learning trials consisted of 200,000 presentations of a randomly sampled data point.
Example Initial Results
Compaction Many overlapping rules are seen around each true cluster. Developed a four-step rule compaction algorithm to remove overlaps: ◦ Delete useless rules (v.low coverage) ◦ Sort on numerosity ◦ Sort on error ◦ Extract largest [M] rules
Example Result after Compaction
Comparative Performance We use as a measure of the quality of each clustering solution the total of the k-means objective function. Quality of LCS was / and the number of clusters /- 0. The average quality on the not well-separated dataset was / and the number of clusters /- 0. The k-means algorithm (k=25) averaged over 10 runs gives a quality of / and / on the well-separated and less- separated datasets respectively.
Comparative Performance II For estimating the number of clusters we ran, for 10 times each, different k (2 to 30) with different random initializations in k-means. To select the best clustering with different numbers of clusters, the Davies-Bouldin validity index was used. The result on well-separated dataset has a lower negative peak at 23 clusters and the less- separated dataset has a lower negative peak at 14 clusters. Thus LCS better on separated data (25).
A Network-like Extension One of the missing parts of XCS is a niche fitness sharing mechanism. Here rules adjust their fitnesses based on the fitnesses of the other co-active rules. Termed relative accuracy (f’): f’ = f / f
Gives Improved Performance
Conclusions Similarities (and differences) between AIS and LCS have long been noted. Views taken from many different perspectives: dynamical systems, networks, complex adaptive systems, etc. A recently presented LCS as a clustering technique is essentially a clonal selection AIS. Can mechanisms from both fields now be consolidated to mutual benefit?
Some Possibilities Theory and mechanisms for generalization. Adaptive rates of search. Theory from ensembles/mixture-of- experts. Representation schemes. Memory. N.B. A new theory of neuronal replicators implies innate and adaptive components in learning.