Welcome! AGENDA 2-SEPT Index cards How well do you know your teacher? HW Pass Course Purpose & Materials HW - Vark & Home Life Survey Mrs. Falatek Room C26
The Syllabus Materials Binder Loose Leaf Paper/notebook with perforated paper Pens/Pencils Scientific Calculator
The Syllabus Purpose Necessary Skills Organization Critical Thinking Respectful of EVERYONE! Maturity Honesty and Integrity
The Syllabus Expectations – Your End Come Prepared Pencil/Pen Binder/Notebook Calculator Actively Participate Participate Positively
The Syllabus Expectations – My End Fair Challenging Creative Understanding/Flexible
The Syllabus Folder/Binder Project Folder Keeps you organized and from losing important documents Binder Develops universal organizational skills Prepares you for more complicated classes Study Guide for tests/QPA
The Syllabus Absences/Late Assignments Get make-up work ASAP Show yellow card Ask teacher Late Assignments Worth ZERO points without a late pass!
The Syllabus Assessments Tests (100 points) QPA – worth 10% of entire semester points. 4 th MP worth 20%. Homework (5-10 points) Class work/Activities (5-10 points) Labs (20) Extra credit/Bonus Points
Welcome! AGENDA 3-SEPT VARK survey Finish Syllabus (pp 2-3) Class Participation Rubric Contracts GET THEM SIGNED! Rights & Responsibilities The World of Physical Science… Mrs. Falatek Room C26
The Syllabus Class Participation Grade (50 points) Assesses… Preparedness Effort in class/at home Note-taking Participation Respect Tardiness Neatness
The Syllabus Behavior Contract/Test Contract Silently read both the Behavior and Test contract. Make groups of four ! Find the students with the same playing card as you. Write down at least four statements that summarize the two contracts in terms of “rights and responsibilities” of each student.
The Syllabus SHARE OUT Silently read both the Behavior and Test contract. Make groups of four ! Find the students with the same color as the Upper Right hand corner of your card. Write down at least four statements that summarize the two contracts in terms of “rights and responsibilities” of each student.
The World of Physical Science Terms: Science Physical Science Life Science Atoms Biology Physics Chemistry Astronomy Geology Meteorology Minerals Motion Drugs Acid Rain Earth Quakes Stars Art Flight Rocks Clouds Black Holes Electricity Tornadoes Religion Biology Connector words: Includes Doesn’t include Involves the study of
Welcome! AGENDA 4-SEPT CW: Finish The World of Physical Science Lab Safety Procedures & Contract HW: What is Lab Safety? Rules and Procedures Quiz tomorrow! Mrs. Falatek Room C26
Laboratory Details Read the Lab Intro and Procedure the night before the lab at least once! Complete Part I* of the lab write up as homework the night before the lab. Title Purpose Materials Needed Procedure *Part I is worth 10/20 points of the lab!
Lab Safety Guidelines Regarding Emergencies… TELL ME ALWAYS ASAP!!!! Fires, spills, broken glassware, etc… Regarding your person … Wear safety goggles always! Tie back long hair! NEVER eat/drink while in the lab! Keep hands away from face/mouth UNTIL you wash them!
Lab Safety Guidelines Regarding your work … DO NOT deviate from procedure! Never touch equipment that you are not authorized to! DO NOT start the lab until you are told to do so! Never point heated containers near yourself or others!
Lab Safety Guidelines Regarding Clean-up … Keep lab bench clear and free of clutter always! Turn off all equipment before you leave the lab! WASH YOUR HANDS PRIOR TO LEAVING! WIPE DOWN BENCH PRIOR TO LEAVING! Label Classroom Diagram with Safety Zones Complete the Lab Safety Agreement form
Welcome! AGENDA 5-SEPT HW - Collect What is Lab Safety Rules and Procedures Quiz PJAS! Homework Observations in a bag activity
PJAS Using scientific method, select a project/topic Research background info Form a hypothesis Develop an experiment Collect and analyze data Present your findings!
The Competition You decide if you want to compete! Regional competition usually takes place in February or March State competition (must received 1st place award at regional) takes place 3rd weekend in may
The Assignments Must be typed! Must have appropriate heading & rubric attached! (or is considered late) DUE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE PERIOD! (or is considered late) Late penalty 20% per day late. 1st day - out of 100% 2nd day - out of 80% 3rd day - out of 60%…
The Log Book Must be updated each time you work on the project (including brainstorming!) Pages # label as “table of contents” All other pages must be numbered! YOU CANNOT TEAR OUT/REMOVE PAGES! All entries must be in pen! You owe me a quarter!
Dates to Remember Friday September 21 - first assignment due Friday September 28 - second assignment due Friday October 5 - third assignment due Thursday October 11 - fourth assignment due
Topic Suggestions Must be in the realm of Physical Science Please take the time now to do the following: Write name in log book Set up table of contents Number first 25 pages Title a page (#4) brainstorming and write down some ideas that interest you.