An Introduction to Science Resource Center Dr. Jun Wang Delta College Library
2 Expected Learning Outcomes Be able to locate Science Resource Center from Delta College Library web page Understand the characteristics and the search options of the database Be able to conduct a topic or keyword search and locate needed scientific information Be able to narrow the search from magazines, journals, and newspapers Be able to evaluate, print, , and cite the retrieved sources
3 Library’s Home Page
4 Database Overview
Topic Overview Play the audio
6 Play the audio Click here to find research articles from professional publications Topic Overviews
7 Type in a specific search term Select a search option from the dropdown menu Click on Search
Click on Narrow to find subheadings
1.Select a subdivision 2.Click on the title link to read the full-text article
10 Elements for the source citation
11 Go to the website to find MLA examples Please note: The following sample citations from Gale need to be tweaked. 1.Use double space between lines 2.Indent the second and forthcoming lines within each citation 3.Keep only the main URL before the first single forward slash followed by a period.
Tweaked Citation Hannah, Elizabeth L., et al. “Drug-Resistant Escherichia Coli, Rural Idaho.” Emerging Infectious Diseases (2005): Science Resource Center. Gale. Cengage Learning. San Joaquin Delta College Library, Stockton, CA. 17 April If there are more than three authors, you may list the first author’s name, followed by et al. Or, you may list all authors’ names. Reverse only the first author’s name.
Tweaked Citation (with all authors) Hannah, Elizabeth L., Frederick J. Angulo, James R. Johnson, Bassam Haddadin, Jacquelyn Williamson, and Matthew H. Samore. “Drug-Resistant Escherichia Coli, Rural Idaho.” Emerging Infectious Diseases (2005): Science Resource Center. Gale. Cengage Learning. San Joaquin Delta College Library, Stockton, CA. 17 April 2009.
14 Citing Electronic Resources MLA Style
15 Assessing Your Learning Outcomes Where do you go to find Science Resource Center? What are some of the characteristics of the database? Given a topic, such as “Escherichia Coli,” how would you conduct a search and locate needed scientific information from the database? Would you be able to narrow your search to subtopics within a broad subject in magazine, journal, and newspaper articles? How do you print, , and cite the retrieved sources?
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