2.06 Understand the functions and disorders of the respiratory system
Understand the functions and disorders of the respiratory system Essential questions What are the functions of the respiratory system? What are some disorders of the respiratory system? How are disorders of the respiratory system treated? What is the importance of the respiratory system as it relates to immunity? How do you relate the body’s use of nutrients to the respiratory system?
2.06 Understand the functions and disorders of the respiratory system 3 Functions of the Respiratory System Functions: 1. Exchange of oxygen & carbon dioxide through respiration 2. Production of sound What is the relevance to your health? We must have a constant supply of oxygen for the body to survive
2.06 Understand the functions and disorders of the respiratory system 4 Pathway of air to the lungs: Nose > Pharynx > Larynx > Trachea > Bronchi > Bronchioles > Alveoli
2.06 Understand the functions and disorders of the respiratory system 5 Types Respiration *External respiration=Breathing which takes place in the lungs *Internal respiration=the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen between cells and lymph Cellular respiration=occurs within the cells of the body
Types Respiration Inspiration + Expiration 2.06 Understand the functions and disorders of the respiratory system 6 Expiration= Diaphragm relaxes & moves upward. This decreases the air volume in the lungs & we breathe out. Then the opposite occurs: Inspiration=Diaphragm contracts & moves downward. This increases the air volume in the lungs & we breathe in. Expiration Inspiration
2.06 Understand the functions and disorders of the respiratory system 7 Control of breathing *REMEMBER THIS! *On INHALATION, the diaphragm CONTRACTS! *On EXHALATION, the diaphragm RELAXES!
2.06 Understand the functions and disorders of the respiratory system 8 Breathing Cycle 1 inspiration + 1 expiration = 1 respiration (Take air in) (expel air) How many times does a normal adult breath per minute? respirations per minute
2.06 Understand the functions and disorders of the respiratory system 9 Control of breathing Neural (Nervous system) factors RESPIRTORY CENTER- is the Medulla Oblongata in the brain. PHRENIC NERVE- Stimulates the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles to control breathing
2.06 Understand the functions and disorders of the respiratory system 10 Control of breathing Chemical factors How do the levels of oxygen & carbon dioxide in the blood trigger the respiratory center? *Increased carbon dioxide and decreased oxygen levels in the blood sends a message to the medulla oblongata to initiate respirations. INSPIRATION & EXPIRATION VIDEO
2.06 Understand the functions and disorders of the respiratory system 11 Respiratory Movements Compare respiratory movements. Why do they occur? Coughing (Clears lower airway) Hiccups (Irritation of the diaphragm) Sneezing (Clears upper airway) Yawning (Signals need for oxygen )
2.06 Understand the functions and disorders of the respiratory system 12 Types of breathing Apnea Dyspnea Eupnea Hyperpnea Orthopnea Tachypnea Hyperventilation
2.06 Understand the functions and disorders of the respiratory system 13 Types of breathing *Apnea-no breathing *Dyspnea-difficult, labored or painful breathing *Eupnea-normal breathing resp. Orthopnea-difficulty breathing when lying down *Tachypnea-fast breathing >20 resp. Hyperventilation-caused by disease or stress; rapid breathing and the body loses carbon dioxide too fast.
2.06 Understand the functions and disorders of the respiratory system 14 Lung capacity and volume Tidal volume-the amount of air that moves in and out of lungs with each breath. Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV)-amount of air forced to take in. Expiratory reserve volume (ERV)-amount of air forced to exhale.
2.06 Understand the functions and disorders of the respiratory system 15 Lung capacity and volume Vital lung capacity-total amount of air involved. Residual volume-amount of air that can’t be expelled from the lungs
2.06 Understand the functions and disorders of the respiratory system 16 Respiratory disorders Asthma What is asthma? Who most likely has it?
2.06 Understand the functions and disorders of the respiratory system 17 Respiratory disorders *Asthma-disease that occurs when the airway becomes obstructed due to inflammation (allergy or stress) *Symptoms: wheezing, coughing, dyspnea, tightness in the chest…these symptoms cause the patient to feel anxious Who most likely has it? People with allergies
2.06 Understand the functions and disorders of the respiratory system 18 Respiratory disorders Bronchitis What is bronchitis? Acute Chronic
2.06 Understand the functions and disorders of the respiratory system 19 Respiratory disorders Bronchitis-inflammation of the mucous membrane of the trachea and the bronchial tubes and produces excessive mucus. Acute-may be caused by inflammation, inhalation or irritating vapors Chronic-usually occurs in older people due to smoking.
2.06 Understand the functions and disorders of the respiratory system 20 Respiratory disorders *Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD)-lung disease such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and asthmatic bronchitis; causes obstruction of air flow.
21 Respiratory disorders *COMMON COLD-highly contagious virus of the respiratory system. SYMPTOMS: runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, stuffy head, sore throat. Treatment: rest, warm liquids, treat the symptoms Hand-washing – best preventative measure
2.06 Understand the functions and disorders of the respiratory system 22 Respiratory disorders Emphysema What is emphysema? Who is most likely to have it? How is it treated?
2.06 Understand the functions and disorders of the respiratory system 23 Respiratory disorders *Emphysema-ALVEOLI of the lungs are overdilated, LOSE THEIR ELASTICITY; they may rupture and air becomes trapped in the alveoli MAKING IT DIFFICULT TO EXHALE; dyspnea worsens as the disease progresses. Who is most likely to have it? Smokers! How is it treated? Alleviate the symptoms; decrease exposure to irritants, stop smoking, prevent infections.
2.06 Understand the functions and disorders of the respiratory system 24 Respiratory disorders Influenza Discuss the symptoms of influenza.
2.06 Understand the functions and disorders of the respiratory system 25 Respiratory disorders *Influenza-the “flu”; a viral infection with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory system. *Symptoms: fever, mucus discharge, joint pain/muscular pain, exhaustion. Treatment: treat the symptoms Yes! Recommended for infants over 6 months, elderly, pregnant, any one at high risk.
26 Respiratory disorders *Pneumonia-lung infection where the alveoli fill with fluid; bacterial or viral; *Symptoms-chest pain, fever, chills, dyspnea. Treatment-Oxygen; if bacterial, antibiotics will be given.
27 Respiratory disorders *Pneumothorax-collapsed lung; air collects in space around the lung; breathing is not possible in the collapsed lung. *Usually caused by an injury (stabbing, gunshot, broken ribs) or illness (asthma, pneumonia).
28 Respiratory disorders *SYMPTOMS of Pneumothorax *Chest does not rise/fall on injured side Dyspnea Sudden chest pain
29 Respiratory disorders *Sinusitis-Inflammation of the sinuses *Symptoms: pain/pressure over the eyes, headache, runny nose
2.06 Understand the functions and disorders of the respiratory system 30 Respiratory disorders Tuberculosis
31 Respiratory disorders *Tuberculosis-infectious, contagious disease of the lungs, caused by the tubercle bacillus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. *Symptoms: cough,blood-tinged sputum, fever in the afternoons, weight loss, night sweats.
2.06 Understand the functions and disorders of the respiratory system 32 Relevance of nutrients to the respiratory system The respiratory system plays a vital role in homeostasis Discuss the relevance to your health. What is the relevance to the body’s use of nutrients?
2.06 Understand the functions and disorders of the respiratory system Understand the functions and disorders of the respiratory system Essential questions What are the functions of the respiratory system? What are some disorders of the respiratory system? How are disorders of the respiratory system treated? What is the importance of the respiratory system as it relates to immunity? How do you relate the body’s use of nutrients to the respiratory system?