Isengard Anatomy CP
Number your paper: LabelingFunction of Organ Short Answer
#1-10 (5 points each) a) Label A-J b) List correct function for each
Short Answer. (Choose 5 to answer) Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper. Distinguish external respiration from internal respiration.. Describe some of the effects of smoking on the human body. Explain the structure and function of the respiratory membrane. Describe the normal action of the pleural membranes. Identify the regions of the pharynx and their positions in the respiratory passageway. List 3 respiratory disorders, their associated symptoms & affected organs.
1Nasal Cavity 2. Naris 3. Oral Cavity 4. Larynx 5. APEX of Lung 6.Base of Lung 7. Diaphragm 8.Pharynx 9.Trachea 10.Bronchus