3/06/20141 Communion Training – Part 3 Rehearsal of the Liturgy of the Lord’s Supper
This unit is only for Elder(s) selected by their Session for training. Congratulations on your being selected by your Session to be trained to serve Communion Please feel free to contact your Presbytery representative if you have questions on this final step in your training and certification.
3/06/20143 Take a Breath. Let It Out. Smile! Remember you are among friends, brothers and sisters in Christ You are a servant, not God You are shepherding people in their approach to God
3/06/20144 Eye contact is important Practice the phrasing of the liturgy Read/Speak with meaning Don’t wing it! Eye signals and nods of head to elders serving
3/06/20145 Body language speaks volumes Try not to let your presence and performance come between the table and the people Posture Stand straight – don’t slump Speak up and out—enunciate Neither hurriedly, nor ploddingly No hands in pockets
3/06/20146 Attire Dress appropriately to maintain the dignity of the service For more traditional congregations this might mean suit and tie or dress For a more casual congregation a nice dress shirt or pant suit or pants and top might be appropriate
3/06/20147 Mechanics Know what you’re going to do and what comes next Make sure your script is clear and easy to follow (large print, readable font, good spacing) Number your pages Place your script in a simple notebook of some sort If you make a mistake (and you will!), remember, grace abounds!
3/06/20148 Prepare a Communion Service Your best help is the Book of Common Worship. Find a copy Select a service of your choice (non special times are best to start) You will find numerous readings, scripture, liturgy, prayers, etc.
3/06/20149 Write out your service Practice it’s delivery Rewrite if needed – first time around you might do several rewrites before you feel confident. Practice delivery in your church sanctuary with trays, cup and other items present
3/06/ Practice with sound system on. Get use to hearing yourself in the sanctuary Get use to handling a pitcher and challis Practice breaking of bread while speaking about it
3/06/ When you feel prepared, schedule your meeting with the Presbytery representative to complete your training and receive your certification. God will help you in your preparations Good Luck!