Unit 6 Understanding and Implementing Crew Resource Management
Objectives Describe how to work in an open communications model. Describe how advocacy allows team members to respectfully question authority. Describe how conflict resolution is accomplished in a learning environment. Describe how team members “observe and critique” in order to evaluate a decision with respect to initially stated mission goals. Describe the process of discussing options, after a thorough assessment of a team’s work has been conducted. 2
The Circle of Success CRM programs encompass a range of competencies \the cognitive and interpersonal capabilities of CRM crew members must be practiced like any other technical skill Skills should be practiced in environments with experimental focus Team members can evaluate their past behavior and develop tools for the future The CRM model contains many elements which members process automatically 3
Inquiry Team members are given mission objective Typically in the form of: 1.A statement by a team member or a leader 2.An order from someone superior in rank or experience 3.An action 4.A behavior Coherence Sense making 4
Advocacy Questioning authority is a daunting task Two methods for approving an action they see or hear; verbally state approval or to voice no objection at all PACE –Series of actions that team members can take to make better sense of what they see and hear from their leaders –Probe –Alert –Challenge –Emergency Intervention 5
Conflict Resolution Necessary part of team dynamics By product of bringing together any group “what is right, not who is right” Range of processes aimed at alleviating or eliminating sources of conflict Leaders need to examine their responses when a team member probes or alerts Cardinal rule is for team members to stay focused on the mission or issue at hand Biological response to emotional challenges 6
Decision Primary reason for CRM is to provide collective situational awareness to the team Case Study 7 Good leaders take responsibility for team performance, good and bad Good leaders are decisive yet empathetic During critical communication events many decisions are made and the constant flow of communication is critical 7
Observe and Critique Everyone thinks their ideas are the best one, particularly if their idea is not chosen After a decision is made it is important for everyone to evaluate and critique the process Identify how members of a team observe and critique once a decision is made Critique should be an open communication process leading to inquiry phase Assessing team members motivation and ability to clarify their understanding 8
Discuss Options Upon critique, team members may decide what other options are necessary Options are often presented as questions Options are necessary part of emergency operations in any dynamic environment Discussing options moves the group back into the beginning phase of the CRM loop Team members can openly agree with the idea or probe further to develop any concerns 9
Experimental Learning Process of making meaning from direct experiences Setting course objectives is important –Individual and team competence –Motivation –Ability –Knowledge CRM primarily associated with team members understanding their own behaviors, interaction with team members, and how they process information 10
Decision Making Tactics vary with location and the problems faced No one book can tell an officer what decisions to make The hard fast rule which works very well in one scenario is a danger in another Tactics evolve as a result of –Experience –Knowledge levels –conditions 11
Decision Models Most popular models involve 4 step process 1.Define the problem 2.Generate a course of action 3.Evaluate the course of action 4.Carry out the course of action Successful decision making ensures patterns are stored in our memories for relevant future situations Informational filters 12
Decision Making Aids Human machine is limited in the capacity of information it can process over a given time These limits can be extended by using decision making aids –Checklists –Timers –Officers aides 13
Keys to Good Decision Making Maintain good situational awareness Maintain technical proficiency Know your resources Evaluate, evaluate, evaluate Additionally –Preload people with patterns and filters –Use notes, checklists, etc… to reduce mental load –Recognize when you are overloaded mentally and physically 14
Summary CRM provides collective situational awareness CRM model contains several key elements, each integral to gaining a shared understanding Questioning authority is a daunting task Inquiry is simply an opening for communication that can be presented in may different forms Decision making is important but there are ways to make it easier on the team leader 15