Briar Hill Infant School Newsletter 15 th January 2016 Happy New Year to you all and best wishes for I hope you all had an enjoyable break. We have a busy term ahead so please keep checking the website for dates and information. Our Facebook page also contains lots of important information and reminders. Please search for Briar Hill Infant School and like our page! Stop and Chat Stop and Chat is a half termly event we hold for parents. The aim of the session is to provide an open session where parent’s questions can be answered and support and advice can be given on a range of issues. Previous sessions have supported parents with bedtime routines, helping with reading strategies and handwriting activities. A cup of tea / coffee is provided! Friday 22 nd January for HB5 parents following their class assembly. Friday 12 th February for HB3 parents following their class assembly. Clothing The weather is much colder. Please make sure that your child has a warm winter’s coat, hat and gloves all of which are named. Lost property can be found in the box in the school entrance. We raised a fantastic £ for the Text Santa appeal before the holidays. Thank you! Illness Schools in Warwickshire are required to follow guidance set out in the Warwickshire School Age Health Directory. Please can we remind you that if your child has diarrhoea or has been vomiting they must not return to school for 48 hours following the last time they were ill. This is to help stop the risk of passing it onto other children and adults. Whilst we appreciate it can be frustrating having a child who seems perfectly well but is unable to return to school we do ask that you stick to the above please. If you return your child to school before the 48 hours we will contact you to collect your child. Your support with this is much appreciated. Thank you for your continued support for Malawi, we raised £93 with the 20p you send in on a Monday! Parents Consultations Tuesday 9 th February 3.30pm-6.00pm Thursday 11 th February 4.00pm-7.00pm. Previously you would have received a bright green form detailing the dates and time slots available for parents evening appointments. Many schools have opted to complete appointment bookings on line. We have also decided to do this through Teachers2Parents. Our invites will go out via text and to Contact priority 1 from 5.30pm on Monday 18 th January with a link to the booking system. There is only one appointment per family, per class. You will be able to select your chosen slot for your child/children from this time. Please ensure that the office has your correct mobile number and address in order for you to receive the link. If you are booking appointments for 2 or more children, please remember to leave at least 10 minutes before your next appointment. If you have any problems in booking an appointment please speak to Miss Durk in the office who will be more than happy to help. – Please me your details so I can up date the system if there any changes.
Reminder for Parents – Leave Of Absence during Term Time On 1 st September 2013 new regulations came into force regarding authorisation of leave of absence. What are the changes? This new legislation means that Head teachers shall not grant any leave of absence during term time unless considered to be exceptional circumstances. Parents do not have any entitlement to take their children on holiday during term-time. Any application must establish that there is exceptional circumstances and Head Teachers will say how many days a child can be absent from school if leave is granted. Applications for leave of absence must be made in advance and failure to do so will result in the absence being unauthorised. Each application will be considered individually. Parents may be issued with a fixed penalty notice for taking your child out of school for unauthorised leave. The fine is payable per child. Any leave of absence requests with immediate effect will be referred to ACE (Attendance, Compliance and Enforcement Service). Diary Dates 2016 Friday 22 nd JanuaryHB5’s Class assembly and Stop and Chat Monday 1 st February Book Sharing 8.50am and 2.45pm -all year groups Tuesday 9 th February E-Safety Day Tuesday 9 th February 3.30pm – 6.00pm Parents Evening Thursday 11 th February 4.00pm – 7.00pm Parents Evening Friday 12 th FebruaryHB3’s Class assembly and Stop and Chat Reminder In previous newsletters I have mentioned about the parking after school when you are collecting children. A local resident has recently been in touch with school about the parking at the junctions of Morse Road/Moorhill Road/Coppice Road explaining that a Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service appliance had real problems negotiating around the parked cars. PLEASE DO NOT PARK DANGEROUSLY or close to the road junctions. Remember we have use of the park and walk facilities both at the Hodcarrier and The Plough and Harrow pubs. Thank you for your continued support. Young Voices Choir 2016 We took a choir of 30 children to take part in the Young Voices concert on Thursday 14 th January at the Genting Arena, Birmingham! The children’s behaviour was impeccable and they were a credit to our school. Well done everyone on your singing performance. More photos to follow.