Voting System Technical Oversight Program December , 2015 Dr. Jay Bagga, Dr. Joseph Losco & Tyler Johnson
HAVA Audit Requirements HAVA audit requirements (Title III Sec 251) Track and secure equipment adequately
Voting System Inventory Database Web-based Database of inventories of voting systems in the 92 counties of Indiana Available to all counties and to Indiana Election Division Secure access Census of inventory data currently underway for input into database Counties can manage their voting system inventories
Sample Items in Database County Voting System Name Voting System Component Name Units used for ADA compliance Units used for early absentee voting Purchased or Leased (Lease Expiration Date) Contract & Purchase Orders Serial Numbers
Voting System Inventory Database
Database Information and Contacts Training on new database planned for spring 2016 Counties will be asked to verify all data and supply missing data
Current Status of EPB Certification Status of EPB Certification as of December 07, 2015 Date CertifiedVendor NameProduct Name Version Number Date Certification Expires Renewal Pending 01/04/2016 VR Systems (Previously Decision Support) EViD - Electronic Voter Identification15.112/31/2017 Renewal Pending 01/04/2016 Election Systems and Software ExpressPoll 5000, EZRooster /31/2017 Renewal Pending Hart InterCivic Hart ePollBook (EViD Electronic Voter Identification sold under the brand name “Hart ePollBook”) /31/2015 Modification Pending Robis ElectionsAskED ePollbook /31/2015 2/25/2014KNOWiNKPoll Pad Indiana Version /31/2015
New Training Requirements Beginning December 31, 2015 vendors must supply training and assessment documents for certification Assessment procedures must document proficiency of county election officials and poll workers in the operations of ePB functions appropriate to their level of involvement
Example of Election Official Training Sample Training Rubric for Election Personnel FAILPROFICIENT Preparing for use of ePBs: Demonstrate familiarity with all hardware, firmware, and software components which constitute the ePB solution Early Voting and Election Day Voting Activities Use the barcode scanner effectively and confirm that appropriate information is captured from the driver’s license or the state identification card.
Acceptance Testing Goal is to ensure proper communication with SVRS Takes place when the equipment is delivered Following timeline is essential County officials must send completed report to VSTOP Roles assigned to vendor, QUEST and county Failure to perform may result in certification being rescinded by SOS Currently being updated as part of certification protocol