Greek Mythology Group 1 Task: Explain the relationships. The Golden Apple?
The Golden Apple 1.(Peleus and Thetis’ wedding) 2.Eris: goddess of discord 3.A golden for the most beautiful in the world 4.Hera: power to Paris 5.Athena: victory to Paris 6.Venus: Helen 7. 胸無大志的 Paris 只愛美女
The Judgment of Paris
Greek Mythology Group 2 Task: Love Affairs of Zeus
Leda and the swan
Zeus and Europa
Zeus and Callisto
Greek Mythology Group 3 Task: Introduce the characters. (1) Achilles (2) Odysseus (3) Philoctetes
Achilles: son of Thetis ( 海神之女 ) (She dipped him in the Styx 冥河 )
Odysseus: son of Hermes He designed the Trojan Horse Helen‘ suitor, 10 years in war, 10 years going home (Ithaca)
Paris was killed by Philoctetes (He asked his wife, Oeneoe, to heal him.)
和希臘神話有關係的用語 1. Oedipus complex 2. Narcissuses 3. Achilles’ heel & Pandora’s box 4. 星座 : 雙子座
Greek Mythology Group 4 Task: Oedipus Complex (118: Task 4 & 5)
Oedipus Complex (Oedipus: king of Thebes) ( 圖 : Oedipus and Sphinx)
Greek Mythology Group 5 Task: Narcissist
Narcissist (Narcissus and Echo)
Greek Mythology Group 6 Task: Achilles' heel Pandora’s box (118: Task 6 & 7)
Achilles' heel
Greek Mythology Group 7 Task: The twin stars
The twin stars : Castor and Pollux