“By Faith an Invitation”


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Presentation transcript:

“By Faith an Invitation” Hebrews 11:32-40 Open to Hebrews 11 Pg 1070 In Church Bibles

Faith 2 ways to live: Faith or failing (pride) Those right - live by faith (10:38) 2 ways to live: Faith or failing (pride)

his soul is not upright in him; But the just shall live by his faith. Behold the proud, his soul is not upright in him; But the just shall live by his faith. Habakkuk 2:4

Faith 2 ways to live: Faith or failing (pride) Those right - live by faith (10:38) 2 ways to live: Faith or failing (pride) Faith saves our soul (10:39) Without faith can’t please God (11:6) What is not faith…is sin (Rom 14:23)

for whatever is not from faith is sin. Romans 14:23

Faith 2 ways to live: Faith or failing (pride) Those right live by faith (10:38) 2 ways to live: Faith or failing (pride) Faith saves our soul (10:39) Without faith can’t please God (11:6) What is not faith…is sin (Rom 14:23) Faith gives solidness, confidence (11:1)

Hebrews 11 – Faith Museum By faith We……..... Understand– creation, unknown

Hebrews 11 – Faith Museum By faith We……..... Understand– creation, unknown By faith Abel…...... Offered– acceptable sacrifice

Hebrews 11 – Faith Museum By faith We……..... Understand– creation, unknown By faith Abel…...... Offered– acceptable sacrifice By faith Enoch...... Pleased and walked with God

Hebrews 11 – Faith Museum By faith We……..... Understand– creation, unknown By faith Abel…...... Offered– acceptable sacrifice By faith Enoch...... Pleased and walked with God By faith Noah…..... Headed God’s warning

Hebrews 11 – Faith Museum By faith We……..... Understand– creation, unknown By faith Abel…...... Offered– acceptable sacrifice By faith Enoch...... Pleased and walked with God By faith Noah…..... Headed God’s warning By faith Abraham.. Followed – going not knowing

Hebrews 11 – Faith Museum By faith We……..... Understand– creation, unknown By faith Abel…...... Offered– acceptable sacrifice By faith Enoch...... Pleased and walked with God By faith Noah…..... Headed God’s warning By faith Abraham.. Followed – going not knowing By faith Abraham.. Waited – for heaven, in tents

Hebrews 11 – Faith Museum By faith We……..... Understand– creation, unknown By faith Abel…...... Offered– acceptable sacrifice By faith Enoch...... Pleased and walked with God By faith Noah…..... Headed God’s warning By faith Abraham.. Followed – going not knowing By faith Abraham.. Waited – for heaven, in tents By faith Abraham.. Strengthened –impossible birth

Hebrews 11 – Faith Museum By faith We……..... Understand– creation, unknown By faith Abel…...... Offered– acceptable sacrifice By faith Enoch...... Pleased and walked with God By faith Noah…..... Headed God’s warning By faith Abraham.. Followed – going not knowing By faith Abraham.. Waited – for heaven, in tents By faith Abraham.. Strengthened –impossible birth By faith Abraham.. Surrendered All to God –Isaac

Hebrews 11 – Faith Museum By faith We……..... Understand– creation, unknown By faith Abel…...... Offered– acceptable sacrifice By faith Enoch...... Pleased and walked with God By faith Noah…..... Headed God’s warning By faith Abraham.. Followed – going not knowing By faith Abraham.. Waited – for heaven, in tents By faith Abraham.. Strengthened –impossible birth By faith Abraham.. Surrendered All to God –Isaac By faith Isaac……. Blessed – seeing future

Hebrews 11 – Faith Museum By faith We……..... Understand– creation, unknown By faith Abel…...... Offered– acceptable sacrifice By faith Enoch...... Pleased and walked with God By faith Noah…..... Headed God’s warning By faith Abraham.. Followed – going not knowing By faith Abraham.. Waited – for heaven, in tents By faith Abraham.. Strengthened –impossible birth By faith Abraham.. Surrendered All to God –Isaac By faith Isaac……. Blessed – seeing future By faith Jacob…… Became Israel – Ruled by God

Hebrews 11 – Faith Museum By faith Abel…...... Offered– acceptable sacrifice By faith Enoch...... Pleased and walked with God By faith Noah…..... Headed God’s warning By faith Abraham.. Followed – going not knowing By faith Abraham.. Waited – for heaven, in tents By faith Abraham.. Strengthened –impossible birth By faith Abraham.. Surrendered All to God –Isaac By faith Isaac……. Blessed – seeing future By faith Jacob…… Became Israel – Ruled by God By faith Joseph…. Faced death

Hebrews 11 – Faith Museum By faith Enoch...... Pleased and walked with God By faith Noah…..... Headed God’s warning By faith Abraham.. Followed – going not knowing By faith Abraham.. Waited – for heaven, in tents By faith Abraham.. Strengthened –impossible birth By faith Abraham.. Surrendered All to God –Isaac By faith Isaac……. Blessed – seeing future By faith Jacob…… Became Israel – Ruled by God By faith Joseph…. Faced death By faith Parents… Didn’t Abort Moses

Hebrews 11 – Faith Museum By faith Noah…..... Headed God’s warning By faith Abraham.. Followed – going not knowing By faith Abraham.. Waited – for heaven, in tents By faith Abraham.. Strengthened –impossible birth By faith Abraham.. Surrendered All to God –Isaac By faith Isaac……. Blessed – seeing future By faith Jacob…… Became Israel – Ruled by God By faith Joseph…. Faced death By faith Parents… Didn’t Abort Moses By faith Moses….. Chose eternal over temporal

Hebrews 11 – Faith Museum By faith Abraham.. Followed – going not knowing By faith Abraham.. Waited – for heaven, in tents By faith Abraham.. Strengthened –impossible birth By faith Abraham.. Surrendered All to God –Isaac By faith Isaac……. Blessed – seeing future By faith Jacob…… Became Israel – Ruled by God By faith Joseph…. Faced death By faith Parents… Didn’t Abort Moses By faith Moses….. Chose eternal over temporal By faith Moses….. Endured – seeing Him, invisible

Hebrews 11 – Faith Museum By faith Abraham.. Waited – for heaven, in tents By faith Abraham.. Strengthened –impossible birth By faith Abraham.. Surrendered All to God –Isaac By faith Isaac……. Blessed – seeing future By faith Jacob…… Became Israel – Ruled by God By faith Joseph…. Faced death By faith Parents… Didn’t Abort Moses By faith Moses….. Chose eternal over temporal By faith Moses….. Endured – seeing Him, invisible By faith Moses….. Kept Passover

Hebrews 11 – Faith Museum By faith Abraham.. Strengthened –impossible birth By faith Abraham.. Surrendered All to God –Isaac By faith Isaac……. Blessed – seeing future By faith Jacob…… Became Israel – Ruled by God By faith Joseph…. Faced death By faith Parents… Didn’t Abort Moses By faith Moses….. Chose eternal over temporal By faith Moses….. Endured – seeing Him, invisible By faith Moses….. Kept Passover By faith Israel……. Passed thru Red Sea

Hebrews 11 – Faith Museum By faith Abraham.. Surrendered All to God –Isaac By faith Isaac……. Blessed – seeing future By faith Jacob…… Became Israel – Ruled by God By faith Joseph…. Faced death By faith Parents… Didn’t Abort Moses By faith Moses….. Chose eternal over temporal By faith Moses….. Endured – seeing Him, invisible By faith Moses….. Kept Passover By faith Israel……. Passed thru Red Sea By faith Jericho….Fell miraculously

Hebrews 11 – Faith Museum By faith Isaac……. Blessed – seeing future By faith Jacob…… Became Israel – Ruled by God By faith Joseph…. Faced death By faith Parents… Didn’t Abort Moses By faith Moses….. Chose eternal over temporal By faith Moses….. Endured – seeing Him, invisible By faith Moses….. Kept Passover By faith Israel……. Passed thru Red Sea By faith Jericho….Fell miraculously By faith Rahab….. Did not perish – saved, adopted

Self Guided Tours Ahead Hebrews 11 – Faith Museum Self Guided Tours Ahead Gideon Barak Samson Jephthah David Samuel the Prophets and more

Hebrews 11 – Faith Museum Great Deeds by faith Subdued kingdoms Worked righteousness Obtained Promises Personal Deliverances by faith Stopped mouth of lions Quenched violence of fire Escaped edge of sword Overcoming obstacles by faith Over weakness – made strong Over huge odds – armies fled Over impossibilities – dead raised

Of whom the world was not worthy Hebrews 11 – Faith Museum Facing Persecution by faith Tortured Mockings, scourgings Chains, imprisonments Facing death by faith Stoned Sawn in two Slain by the sword Facing Deprivation by faith Wandered in skins Destitute Afflicted, tormented Of whom the world was not worthy

Unfinished Wing Lives of faith still being added Will you have a Hebrews 11 – Faith Museum Unfinished Wing Lives of faith still being added Will you have a testimony here?

Faith 2 ways to live: Faith or failing (pride) Those right - live by faith (10:38) 2 ways to live: Faith or failing (pride) Faith saves our soul (10:39) Without faith can’t please God (11:6) What is not faith…is sin (Rom 14:23) Faith gives solidness, confidence (11:1) Faith is to hear

So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17

“For this commandment which I command you today is not too mysterious for you, nor is it far off. Deut 30:11-14

It is not in heaven, that you should say, ‘Who will ascend into heaven for us and bring it to us, that we may hear it and do it?’ Nor is it beyond the sea, that you should say, ‘Who will go over the sea for us and bring it to us, that we may hear it and do it?’ Deut 30:11-14

But the word is very near you, in your mouth and in your heart, that you may do it. Deut 30:11-14

Faith 2 ways to live: Faith or failing (pride) Those right - live by faith (10:38) 2 ways to live: Faith or failing (pride) Faith saves our soul (10:39) Without faith can’t please God (11:6) What is not faith…is sin (Rom 14:23) Faith gives solidness, confidence (11:1) Faith is to hear

Faith 2 ways to live: Faith or failing (pride) Those right - live by faith (10:38) 2 ways to live: Faith or failing (pride) Faith saves our soul (10:39) Without faith can’t please God (11:6) What is not faith…is sin (Rom 14:23) Faith gives solidness, confidence (11:1) Faith is to hear, trust

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

Jeremiah 17:5-6 Thus says the Lord: Cursed is the man who trusts in man And makes flesh his strength, Whose heart departs from the Lord. For he shall be like a shrub in the desert, And shall not see when good comes, But shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, In a salt land which is not inhabited. Jeremiah 17:5-6

“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, And whose hope is the Lord. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, Which spreads out its roots by the river, And will not fear when heat comes; But its leaf will be green, And will not be anxious in the year of drought, Nor will cease from yielding fruit. Jeremiah 17:7-8

Faith 2 ways to live: Faith or failing (pride) Those right - live by faith (10:38) 2 ways to live: Faith or failing (pride) Faith saves our soul (10:39) Without faith can’t please God (11:6) What is not faith…is sin (Rom 14:23) Faith gives solidness, confidence (11:1) Faith is to hear, trust

Faith 2 ways to live: Faith or failing (pride) Those right - live by faith (10:38) 2 ways to live: Faith or failing (pride) Faith saves our soul (10:39) Without faith can’t please God (11:6) What is not faith…is sin (Rom 14:23) Faith gives solidness, confidence (11:1) Faith is to hear, trust and obey

Faith 2 ways to live: Faith or failing (pride) Those right - live by faith (10:38) 2 ways to live: Faith or failing (pride) Faith saves our soul (10:39) Without faith can’t please God (11:6) What is not faith…is sin (Rom 14:23) Faith gives solidness, confidence (11:1) Faith is to hear, trust and obey

For by grace you have been saved through faith Ephesians 2:8-10

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. Ephesians 2:8-10

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:8-10