Network PVR Issues for discussion V4 February
SPT DISTRIBUTION vs SPT NETWORKS POSITION ON NET PVR TERMSPT DISTRIBUTION NET PVRSPT NETWORKS NET PVR WHO RECORDSGrant recording right to platform + consumer right to ‘record’ Agreed WHEN CAN YOU RECORDAny time prior to linear TXAgreed RECORD INDIVIDUAL PROGRAMS Yes (but cannot ‘record’ catch up, TVOD, other on demand) Agreed RECORD BLOCKS OF PROGRAMS Yes – up to 1 day (subject to 100 hour cap) Agreed RECORD ENTIRE CHANNELSYes – up to 1 day (subject to 100 hour cap) Agreed RECORD SERIES LINKYesAgreed WHAT CAN BE RECORDEDLinear TV Series + Linear Movies (subject to all other restrictions) Agreed CAP ON TOTAL RECORDINGSCap at 100 hoursAgreed hours IN HOME / OUT OF HOMEIn home only (we should prepare for out of home requests) Agreed
SPT DISTRIBUTION vs SPT NETWORKS POSITION ON NET PVR TERMSPT DISTRIBUTION NET PVRSPT NETWORKS NET PVR FORMATSD + HD (if linear channel HD)Agreed AD SKIPPINGAd skipping preventedAgreed PAY TV / FREE TVYesAgreed LICENSEEBoth teams to speak to their respective client contacts from a channel and distribution perspective Agreed CONTENT BLACKOUTBlackout tool to provided by platforms to channel owners for instances where we cannot provide rights Agreed ACCESS DEVICESUp to 5 registered in-home devices: STB’s, Tablets, PC’s, Mobile’s, Console’s on the same home network Agreed DELIVERYStreaming only – max 2 simultaneous streams of ‘recordings’ - no download (progressive download to STB is OK) Agreed
SPT DISTRIBUTION vs SPT NETWORKS POSITION ON NET PVR 4 TERMSPT DISTRIBUTION NET PVRSPT NETWORKS NET PVR AD TARGETING / SPECIFIC NPVR ADS (DIFFERENT TO LINEAR ADS) Requirement for channel/platform to notify SPTD of this and how it works Agreed, prior notification ADDITIONAL UTILITYApps on smartphone and devices to control NPVR remotely + play to device Agreed $ MODELSPTD will require fee uplifts for granting additional rights and utility for content If platform doesn't charge or it is just a technical fee then no increase being sought RECORDING RETENTION PERIOD 60 days max [+48 hour viewing period desirable if possible] 90 days + no 48 hour viewing period OTHER REQUIREMENTSRequirement for [90%] of channel NPVR rights before Sony rights are activated Agree there should be a threshold but number of studios rather than amount of content should be measure