Rebekah Gray Techno autobiography SED 420
Table Of Contents CamerasRemote Control Toys TelephonesTelevision RadioCell Phone Hair dryerWish List
Cameras The Vivitar 110 camera The Cannon 35mm camera
Remote Control Toys Battery operated remote control car Barbie's remote control motorcycle
Telephones Phones went from having long cords to being cordless.
Television Comes in many different sizes and shapes. Popular brands are Sony, Panasonic, Phillips, and Samsung
Radio Walkmans, mini recorders, and sterols.
Cell Phone Nokia 3100 (2000) Sanyo VM 4500
Hair dryer Hooded dryers 1475 watt dryer 1875 watt dryer
Wish List Business mini disc recorder Sony MZ B-100 Lap top, Apple 12inch Power book G4 Sony DVD camcorder