By: Dario and Donovan
Low impact development or LID is an approach to land development or redevelopment, that works with nature to manage storm water as close to its source as possible. Preserves and recreates natural landscape features Creates site drainage that treats storm water as a resource, not a waste product.
Bioretention Green Roofs Permeable Pavers Rain Barrels and Cisterns Soil Amendments Tree Box Filters Green Streets
Green streets are streets that attempt to alter the flow of storm water. It attempts to reduce the volume of storm water that is discharged through pipes into streams, rivers, and other large bodies of water. Improves air quality by providing interception of airborne particulates.
Can include tree boxes which take runoff from the street. Infiltration and storage reduces runoff volumes. Biological and chemical reactions occur in the mulch, soil and roots. (California)
Pavement that is open grated and have gaps between them that allow water to pass through them. The base of the pavement provides structural support, runoff storage, and pollutant removal. (Chicago, IL)
Vegetated open channels designed to accept runoff and convey it in broad shallow flow. This method reduces improves water quality through soil filtration and reduces flow velocity by increasing channel roughness. (Seattle, WA)
Reduce urban heat island effect and reduce storm water runoff. Need extra space in order to their roots to grow. (Montgomery, MD)
Low Impact Development (LID). (n.d.). Retrieved March 25, 2015, from LID Urban Design Tools - LID Techniques. (n.d.). Retrieved March 25, 2015, from LID CENTER - GREEN STREETS. (n.d.). Retrieved March 25, 2015, from tices.htm#images