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Korea Aerospace University Central Library Korea Aerospace University Central Library Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics(RTCA) 항공규격을 생산하는 단체. 비영리법인으로 항공기와 항공전자시스템과 관련된 기술과 과학을 발전시켜 공익을 증진 시키기 위한 목적으로 설립. RTCA 소개
Korea Aerospace University Central Library Korea Aerospace University Central Library Documents Task Force Reports Free Flight Reports Other Publication Proceeding of annual symposia RTCA Digest RTCA 수록 내용
Korea Aerospace University Central Library Korea Aerospace University Central Library Log on to Click on “RTCA On-Line Store.” Click on “Place an order” Above the product list is a gray Membership bar Click “member”, then Click “All other Countries” for Locality Click “Submit 5.Scroll down the product list to locate the document of interest. 6.Click “Add to Cart” next to Electronic 7.A new Screen displays “Contents of your Cart” 8.Click “Check Out” 9.Fill in the requested information and “Submit” 10.Read the License agreement carefully and select your choice, “Agree” 11.If you agree, your are ready to download. For each document you selected, the download page will display the document number and title. ※ 본교 도서관은 RTCA 기관 회원으로 가입. Member 의 경우 전자자료 무료 다운로드 가능. ※ 아이디와 패스워드는 참고실로 문의 ( , RTCA 자료 이용방법
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Korea Aerospace University Central Library Korea Aerospace University Central Library RTCA 검색방법 이용가능한 자료 자료 주문 Digest 열람
Korea Aerospace University Central Library Korea Aerospace University Central Library RTCA 검색방법
Korea Aerospace University Central Library Korea Aerospace University Central Library RTCA 검색방법 제목 클릭 무료로 이용가능
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Korea Aerospace University Central Library Korea Aerospace University Central Library RTCA 검색방법