WORK PLAN OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD OF THE INTER-AMERICAN AGENCY FOR COOPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT (MB/IACD) ENRIQUE MARURI LONDOÑO Chair of the MB/IACD and Director of International Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia October 2009
BACKGROUND Special Technical Meeting of National Cooperation Authorities and Experts (October 2008, Cancun, Mexico) Course of Action of Playa del Carmen, adopted at the Cancun Meeting (October 17, 2008) Proposal for the structure of the Work Plan, presented by Mexico during its term as Chair (Meeting of the Management Board, May 4, 2009) Colombia assumes Chair of the Management Board, with a view to continuing the process under way (Meeting of the Management Board, August 4, 2009)
CORE ELEMENTS OF THE WORK PLAN 1.Strengthen dialogue as well as mechanisms for cooperation and coordination. 2.Diversify the types of hemispheric cooperation. 3.Draft a plan to mobilize and tap external resources. 4.Develop a methodology for information, with a view to documenting and measuring the impact of cooperation. 5.Review and update the current regulatory framework.
1.Institutionalize the IACD Special Technical Meeting of National Cooperation Authorities and Experts CORE ELEMENT 1: Strengthen dialogue as well as mechanisms for cooperation and coordination. Why? To permanently establish at the highest political level a cooperation forum within the framework of OAS ministerial meetings, with a view to strengthening decision making in the area of cooperation. How? Secure approval of the Management Board; Raise the proposal at the IACD Special Technical Meeting of National Cooperation Authorities and Experts in Bogotá (October ); Adopt the decision via CIDI Resolution.
2. Revitalize the role of the Management Board (MB) CORE ELEMENT 1: Strengthen dialogue as well as mechanisms for cooperation and coordination. Why? To strengthen decision making of the IACD Management Board by incorporating technical and political decision making into its purview. How? Prepare a document to outline the principal areas identified for reactivation (MB member); Include cooperation authorities in meetings of the MB; Modify the bylaws of the MB, as necessary. 3. Incorporate ministerial dialogues into those on cooperation activities Why? To turn political decisions into specific action for inter-American cooperation. How? Establish a model mechanism to facilitate this coordination (SEDI); Implement two pilot tests with ministerial meetings on social development and culture in 2010.
CORE ELEMENTS OF THE WORK PLAN 1.Strengthen dialogue as well as mechanisms for cooperation and coordination. 2.Diversify the types of hemispheric cooperation. 3.Draft a plan to mobilize and tap external resources. 4.Develop a methodology for information, with a view to documenting and measuring the impact of cooperation. 5.Review and update the current regulatory framework.
1. Strengthen the CIDI Special Multilateral Fund (FEMCIDI) and reorganize its programming cycle. CORE ELEMENT 2: Diversify the types of hemispheric cooperation. Why? To incorporate regional programming guidelines into FEMCIDI that accord priority to the countries with the most needs, in keeping with the flow of available resources for their programming. How? Evaluate the SEDI report on the 2009 programming cycle. Prepare recommendations for CEPCIDI (MB Chair). Include the former in the recommendations of the Technical Meeting of National Cooperation Authorities and Experts in Bogotá.
2. Identify all cooperation forums and sources within the OAS Why? To encourage synergies among the various cooperation actors within the OAS. How? Prepare a report that takes into account the various forums, sources, funds, and organizations working in conjunction with the OAS on cooperation activities in the Americas (SEDI). 3. Promote new types of cooperation Why? To promote other types of cooperation, such as south-south and triangular cooperation, at the inter- American level. How? Draft a report to study how these types of cooperation are being used in the region and propose recommendations (MB member). Develop a proposal for pilot programs that include these types of cooperation. CORE ELEMENT 2: Diversify types of hemispheric cooperation.
CORE ELEMENTS OF THE WORK PLAN 1.Strengthen dialogue as well as mechanisms for cooperation and coordination. 2.Diversify the types of hemispheric cooperation. 3.Draft a plan to mobilize and tap external resources. 4.Develop a methodology for information, with a view to documenting and measuring the impact of cooperation. 5.Review and update the current regulatory framework.
1. Mobilize and tap external resources CORE ELEMENT 3: Draft a plan to mobilize and tap external resources. Why? To strengthen to real capacity and scope of hemispheric cooperation, through coordination with other external sources of cooperation. How? Draft a report identifying other sources of cooperation based on the dialogue resulting from the Bogotá Meeting (MB Chair and SEDI). Prepare a proposal to tap external resources and develop coordination mechanisms and complementarity with other sources of cooperation.
2. Form working groups for the mobilization of resources Why? To establish a permanent mechanism for mobilizing sources of external cooperation. How? Develop a timetable of work based on the identification of new sources of cooperation and the document of proposals for mobilizing resources (MB member). 3. Working group reports Why? To assess and follow-up on the mobilization of resources with other sources of cooperation. How? Prepare a final report on opportunities for the mobilization of resources, to be presented to the Management Board and CEPCIDI. CORE ELEMENT 3: Draft a plan to mobilize and tap external resources.
CORE ELEMENTS OF THE WORK PLAN 1.Strengthen dialogue as well as mechanisms for cooperation and coordination. 2.Diversify the types of hemispheric cooperation. 3.Draft a plan to mobilize and tap external resources. 4.Develop a methodology for information, with a view to documenting and measuring the impact of cooperation activities. 5.Review and update the current regulatory framework.
1. Support efforts to strengthen the Cooperanet educational portal Why? To develop a mechanism to facilitate information on and coordination of hemispheric cooperation. How? Prepare a report on the launch of CooperaNet at the Bogotá Meeting (SEDI). Draft a document of recommendations on how to strengthen CooperaNet (MB member). 2. Promote the sharing of National Information System (NIS) experiences Why? To strengthen the ability of the countries to centralize information on the cooperation activities they implement. How? Prepare a proposal to share NIS experiences and promote technology transfers (MB Chair). Identify and implement a pilot program. CORE ELEMENT 4: Develop a methodology for information, with a view to documenting and measuring the impact of cooperation activities.
CORE ELEMENTS OF THE WORK PLAN 1.Strengthen dialogue as well as mechanism for cooperation and coordination. 2.Diversify the types of hemispheric cooperation. 3.Draft a plan to mobilize and tap external resources. 4.Develop a methodology for information, with a view to documenting and measuring the impact of cooperation activities. 5.Review and update the current regulatory framework.
1. Develop proposals for reforming the current regulatory framework. Why? To develop legal instruments in keeping with the needs for strengthening inter- American cooperation. How? Prepare a document with reform proposals, taking into account the Working Group on the Strengthening of the OAS (SEDI). Present recommendations to CEPCIDI. Present recommendations to CEPCIDI with a view to preparing the Strategic Plan of Cooperation and Solidarity, based on the inputs of the Bogotá Meeting. Present the draft resolution recommendations for strengthening CIDI. CORE ELEMENT 5: Review and update the current regulatory framework.