CTE by the Numbers CTE data entry, verification and reporting Counselor & Administrator Conference Dover, Delaware January 26, 2016
Perkins IV Data Reporting Why report? What to report? Where is the report? How to verify the report? 2
CTE Definitions CTE Participant: A student who is enrolled in one or more courses in any CTE program. CTE Concentrator: A student who has successfully completed at least fifty percent of the credits required to complete a state-approved CTE pathway of sequenced courses, and is enrolled in a course at the next level in the same pathway. 3
CTE Participant – Concentrator - - Completer Relationship 4
Components of Core Indicator Framework Indicator 1: Academic Attainment (ESEA) Indicator 2: Technical Skill Attainment Indicator 3: School Completion Indicator 4: Graduation Rate (ESEA) Indicator 5: Placement and Retention Indicator 6: Nontraditional Participation and Completion 5
Core Indicator 1: Academic Attainment 1S1 – Reading/Language Arts (ESEA) 1S2 – Mathematics (ESEA) 1S1 Numerator: 12th grade CTE concentrators who were proficient (scored at performance level 3 or more) on their 10th/11th grade ESEA standardized (DCAS/SBAC) ELA assessment. 1S2 Numerator: 12th grade CTE concentrators who were proficient (scored at performance level 3 or more) on their 10 th /11 th grade ESEA standardized (DCAS/SBAC) Math assessment. Denominator: 12th grade CTE concentrators who took the 10 th /11 th grade ESEA standardized (DCAS/SBAC) ELA and Math assessment. 6
Core Indicator 2: 2S1: Technical Skill Attainment Current Definition: Numerator: Number of 12th grade CTE concentrators who successfully completed an approved CTE Pathway during the reporting year. Denominator: Number of 12th grade CTE concentrators who at the beginning of the school year were eligible to complete an approved CTE Pathway. Definition starting : Numerator: Number of CTE concentrators who successfully completed an approved CTE Program of Study and left secondary education by the end of the reporting year. Denominator: Number of CTE concentrators who left secondary education during the reporting year. 7
Core Indicator 3: 3S1: School Completion Current Definition : Numerator: Number of current year 12th grade CTE concentrators who successfully completed an approved CTE Pathway and graduated by the end of the reporting year. Denominator: Number of current year 12th grade CTE concentrators who at the beginning of the school year were eligible to complete an approved CTE Pathway. Definition starting : Numerator: Number of CTE concentrators who demonstrated related technical skill attainment and left secondary education during the reporting year. Denominator: Number of CTE concentrators who left secondary education during the reporting year. 8
Core Indicator 4: 4S1: Graduation Rates Numerator: Number of current year 12th grade CTE concentrators who were included as graduated by the end of the reporting year in the State’s ESEA computation of graduation rate (diploma and certificate holders). Denominator: Number of CTE concentrators who left secondary education during the reporting year. 9
Core Indicator 5: 5S1: Placement and Retention Numerator: Number of CTE concentrators who graduated in the previous reporting year and were placed in post-secondary education, employment, or the military in the last quarter (Oct - Dec) of the year they graduated. Denominator: Number of CTE concentrators who graduated in the previous reporting year. 10
Core Indicator 6: 6S1: Non-Traditional Participation Numerator: Number of under-represented gender CTE participants who were enrolled in any course in a CTE pathway that leads to employment in nontraditional fields* during the reporting year. Denominator: Number of CTE participants who were enrolled in any course in a CTE pathway that leads to employment in nontraditional fields* during the reporting year. * A non-traditional occupation is one in which males or females comprise less than 25 percent of the employed workforce. 11
Core Indicator 6: 6S1: Non-Traditional Participation Numerator: Number of under-represented gender CTE concentrators who completed a CTE pathway that leads to employment in nontraditional fields* and left secondary education during the reporting year. Denominator: Number of CTE concentrators who completed a CTE pathway that leads to employment in nontraditional fields* and left secondary education during the reporting year. * A non-traditional occupation is one in which males or females comprise less than 25 percent of the employed workforce. 12
Perkins IV Reporting Data Elements CTE Pathway Enrollment, Completion and Industry-recognized Certifications Grades: th /11 th Grade ESEA ELA and math scores for exiting seniors High School Graduation Diploma or Certificate Placement: National Student Clearinghouse ID matches and the H.S. Graduate follow-up survey 13
CTE Data Reporting Procedures Participants:Enrollment Snapshot (Course-taking) Concentrators:Manual entry each year (Due: June 14) Completers:Manual entry each year (Due: June 14) 14
Data Reporting Timeline Concentrator/completer verification: Gather Pathway information from student data (transcripts) and enter CTE information before March 31. April 1 snapshot: Review and update pathway enrollment and concentrator data from DOE June 1 st week: Review failure lists and finalize CTE concentrators and completers. Run Cognos report for verification. June 14: Year-end CTE data snapshot by DOE 15
Data Reporting Protocols Lake Forest High School’s process… Print out individual transcripts for seniors and juniors –Mark Reporting Center > Reports > Transcripts > Print Transcripts –Filter Active Students; Grade is in 11,12 –Analyze transcripts to determine pathway concentrators/completers. –You may also want to input 10 th grade students. LFHS chooses to wait until grade 11 due to our fixed ninth grade schedule. 16
Data Reporting Protocols If a student is enrolled in a 3 rd level CTE course, flag the student as a completer. Likewise, if a student is enrolled in a 2 nd level course, flag him/her as a concentrator. Assume they will be successful in the course. As a follow-up, be sure to run a list of failures for said course at the end of the year and adjust the DOE CTE screen accordingly. You will have to do this prior to June 14 th. 17
Data Reporting in eSchoolPlus Location of DOE CTE screen: Student Center > Demographic > DOE CTEDOE CTE 18
Perkins Data Verification CTE Pathways, Course-Pathway Crosswalks, TSA Measures List of current CTE Pathways List of CTE Courses with non-traditional enrollee identification Technical Skill Attainment Measures CTE Pathway Enrollment and Completion Cognos report for verification of student data Standard DOE Public Reports > Career & Technical Ed Reports > CTE Pathway Report Filter in Excel to submit pathway information to instructors. State-approved (509) CIP courses Accessing School and District level data Data Warehouse Public Reports K12 (DWPRK12) application through IMSIMS 19
Contact Information Melvin D’Souza, Ph.D. Education Associate, Data Analysis Delaware Department of Education Mike Tyndall School Counselor, Lake Forest High School Data Support Specialist, Lake Forest School District 20