Licensing in a European Perspective - case Finnish National Consortium ELAG 2001, Prague Kristiina Hormia-Poutanen
Background Developing Finland as Information Society –strategies by various ministries –Education, Training and Research in the information Society ; –The Information Society Programme ) –developing infrastructure (academic network, Funet) –infrastructure is not enough - content is needed –content is not enough – easy access is needed
Background... Emphasis on research funding –The Programme of Additional Funding for Research –research funding 3.1% of GNP year 2000 Working group nominated by the Ministry of Education –project plan to develop National Electronic Library published in 1997
FinELib organisation programme –steering group –Centre for Scientific Computing, CSC –Helsinki University Library permanent activity at National Library from the year 2000 –steering group –National Electronic Library Services licensing + development = FinELib service agency library statistics; library standards; EU Cultivate; organising training for library network
Elements of Electronic Library in Finland FinELib funding –licensing and use –development –marketing and training –co-operation Additional funding at other libraries –subject gateways –e-publishing –development of learning environments Additional funding at National Library –acquisition of a new library system for academic libraries in Finland –archiving –digitization –Indentifiers –metadata
Finnish higher education and research environment 20 universities 29 polytechnics several public research institutes under various ministries powerful data network FUNET with a backbone speed of 2,5 Gbps
The National Electronic Library Programme The aim of the programme is to improve the prerequisites for education and research by increase the amount of information available in electronic form improve the retrieval of information in the network provide the users with an interface to heterogeneous information resources
Budget ca 30 mill. FIM 2001 –central funding ca 19 mill. FIM universities polytechnics public libraries –own funding ca 11 mill. FIM universities polytechnics public libraries research institutes
HUL Steering committee Science specific groups 7+ 1 Organisation Consortia group FinELib consortium 95 organizations
Resources ca 6000 e-journals ca 90 reference databases dictionaries –english, french, german, swedish law materials –Finnish law, European Union law reference books –OED –Grove Dictionaries ( Art & Music)
Important tasks in developing electronic library Administration Selection of resources Licensing Training and marketing Monitoring usage Improving usability of electronic resources
Tasks: Administration and Selection of resources Administration –financial management –information about consortia (IP´s, user figures, contact persons etc.) –oracle database –very much work needed ! Selection of resources –user needs/ user surveys (1998, 1999, 2000) –working groups (7)
Tasks : Licensing license negotiations (conditions, price) checking of conditions and price making up the consortia (time consuming) legal check signature + proxy from consortia members follow-up of international development participation in international discussion –ICOLC / eICOLC –SPARC –nordic co-operation
Tasks: Monitoring usage Integration Monitoring usage –collecting usage statistics over the whole cnsortium Improving usability of electronic resources –cataloguing –linking - CrossRef –developing graphical user interface
organising training for librarians marketing –towards end users –towards general public –towards university administration support materials –brochures –posters –abstracts about license conditions Tasks: Training and marketing
Tools licensing policy + negotiation guidelines license agreement abstracts user surveys administrative database price/consortia web-pages web-pages statistics web-page
The Finnish Model central funding central administration and preparation co-operation with consortia members in preparation of activities consortia involved in decision making co-operation with national programmes (virtual university, user authentication) international co-operation
FinELib - vision for the future National service –linked to the the Virtual University as part of it –linked to the national citizen indentification system –access to various information resources through the portal –highly used, known and appreciated service by researchers, teachers and students –central funding for all consortia members