Safe and Supportive School Success Stories
2010, WI DPI received a grant from Dept. of Ed.’s Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools $14 million over 4 years Worked with 52 urban and rural high schools across the state to improve suspensions/expulsions and student perceptions (YRBS) Created ISBSE – Index of Student Behavior and School Environment
Improve School Safety Improve School Environment Improve School Engagement Make Data Driven Decisions
87% of the participating schools improved their ISBSE (suspension/expulsions and student perceptions) 46% of the schools had fewer suspensions/expulsions
Improve policy and procedures ◦ “Zero Tolerance Policy” ◦ Reduce violence, harassment, and bullying ◦ Reduce suspension/expulsion ◦ Improve learning
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) Restorative Practices
Engage Freshmen in transition and supports Classroom Organization and Management Program (COMP) Student Engagement/Leadership/Mentoring Collaboration and Cultural Competency
Index of Student Behavior and School Environment ◦ Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) ◦ Suspension/Expulsion
To improve school climate and discipline: (1) Create positive climates and focus on prevention; (2) Develop clear, appropriate, and consistent expectations and consequences to address disruptive student behaviors; and (3) Ensure fairness, equity, and continuous improvement. Guiding Principles: A Resource Guide for Improving School Climate and Discipline, US Department of Education, 2014.
Bayfield High School – Sandy Raspotnik Madison LaFollette High School – Lonna Stoltzfus Superior High School – Steve Olson