Chapter 14 Satellites. Opener Fig. 14.1 Tidal Heating of Io.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 14 Satellites


Fig Tidal Heating of Io

Fig Orbital Resonance

Tab. 14.1

Fig Phobos, Martian Satellite

Fig Phobos, Martian Satellite

Fig Deimos (Mars)

Fig Deimos, close up view

Tab. 14.2

Fig Io

Fig Plume on the Limb of Io

Fig. 14.9

Fig Volcanic eruption on Io

Fig Two different images of Io 17 years apart (Voyager and Galileo)

Fig Model for the sufrace of Io

Fig Europa (from Galileo)

Fig Europa’s Interior Structure

Fig Europa

Fig Ice Rafts on Europa


Fig Ganymede

Fig Faulting on Ganymede

Fig A view across Ganymede

Fig Callisto

Fig Callisto

Fig A scarp on Callisto

Fig Rhea (1530 km)

Fig Tethys, (1050 km)

Fig Iapetus (1440 km)

Fig Enceladus (500 km)

Fig Icy material from Enceladus

Fig Titan (5150 km)

Fig Panoramic view of Titan

Fig At the surface of Titan (From Huygens)

Fig Umbriel (Uranus)

Fig Oberon (Uranus)

Fig Titania (Uranus)

Fig Ariel (Uranus)

Fig Miranda, Uranus)

Fig Coronae on Miranda (Uranus)



Fig Triton

Fig Triton

Fig Plumes on Triton