1 Chapter 12 Just-In-Time and Lean Manufacturing Supplemental Slides
2 Japanese Approach to Productivity & JIT Implementation: Two Guiding Principles l Elimination of waste l Respect for people
3 North American Modifications of JIT l Can JIT work in North America? l What are the cultural barriers to successful implementation?
4 Chapter 12 - Homework l Problems 12.3, 12.4, 12.6 (use any application SW— e.g., POM Software Library), & 12.12
5 Waste in Operations (Shigeo Shingo, Toyota) (1) Overproduction (2) Waiting time (3) Transportation/materials handling (4) Unneeded processing (5) WIP inventories (6) Motion & effort (7) Product defects
6 Quality at the Source (Jidoka) l Self-inspection l Automated inspection l Line-stopping empowerment
7 Notes on Kanban Production Control System l Discussion in slides based on a two kanban production control system l Also possible to use a one kanban system l Kanban l Term currently used to refer to container also