November 3-5, 2009 Stevenson, WA Columbia Basin Coordinated Anadromous Monitoring Strategy Workshop Upper Columbia Sub-Region 2 Listed ESU/DPS Steelhead-


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Presentation transcript:

November 3-5, 2009 Stevenson, WA Columbia Basin Coordinated Anadromous Monitoring Strategy Workshop Upper Columbia Sub-Region 2 Listed ESU/DPS Steelhead- Threatened Spr Chinook- Endangered 1 MPG each Populations: 4 steelhead, 3 Chinook Other anadromous salmonids: sockeye, summer/fall Chinook, coho

 Determine abundance and productivity for all “Primary” populations in the Upper Columbia ESUs with known accuracy and precision. ◦spring Chinook--census redd surveys & carcass recovery ◦steelhead--combination of redd surveys and PIT/Radio tags for mark-recapture validation and bio-data (i.e. origin, age structure, sex ratio) ◦juvenile productivity– smolt traps  Monitor spatial structure and diversity metrics to provide information for risk assessments consistent with the ICTRT viability criteria. ◦distribution using redd surveys and remote PIT tag arrays ◦phenotypic traits via all of the above (carcasses, broodstock collection, redd surveys, smolt traps) PIT tags allow for refinement and detail not possible with aggregate methods  Genotypic diversity through periodic (1-2 generations) sampling within each population. Summarize Strategy (VSP)

 Determine the hatchery impacts on wild populations of spring Chinook and Steelhead throughout the Upper Columbia (Mostly funded under HCP and PRCC)  Productivity (NRR) and abundance that compares treatment (Wenatchee and Methow to unsupplemented reference streams/populations  Implementing RSS studies in a subset of populations with different PNI’s (steelhead)  Continue RSS for Spring Chinook in Wenatchee long term  Monitoring for genetic divergence and straying  Comparing spatial distribution between hatchery and naturally produced fish Summarize Strategy (Hatchery Effectiveness)

 Status and Trend (long term, population level, random design) ◦Under way in Wenatchee and Okanogan for 5-6 yrs ◦Entiat and Methow (proposed)  Effectiveness ◦Entiat; IMW experimental design (Reach and Population level) ◦Reach level effectiveness monitoring in the Methow (USGS/USBR) ◦Project/Reach level effectiveness monitoring in the Wenatchee Summarize Strategy (Habitat Effectiveness)

◦How it (existing monitoring) conforms with your strategy  The strategy is built around the ongoing monitoring under the HCPs and previous federal BiOps. ◦How it informs the BIOP RPA’s  Existing monitoring covers the majority of the RPA requirements. ◦Where there adjustments identified  Yes, 3 reductions, 3 neutral shifts, and 2 increases  ISEMP shifts for analysis  MOA adjustments ◦Were these adjustments cost plus, cost minus or cost neutral, include total amounts Reductions = $240k (Within MOA) Increases = $450k ($300k in MOA) Summarize the confirmed existing monitoring and its relation to your strategy and the BIOP RPA’s

◦Needed for the RPA requirements  OBMEP (large fish and habitat project in Okanogan)  UC habitat restoration  Nason Creek smolt trap  Omak Creek smolt and adult traps  Kelt reconditioning  Nutrient supplementation  Status and trend annual reporting ◦Needed for non-RPA strategy  CRITFC sockeye projects  UC Coho  Chief Joseph Hatchery monitoring Summarize any Accord monitoring within your strategy

 Highest: (New) RPA 50.3, 50.4, 50.6; Upper Columbia “RPA umbrella project” ◦Steelhead radio tracking ◦Expansion of PIT tag output and interrogation  automation of PIT tag analysis ◦Precision and accuracy of adult and juvenile abundance and productivity (smolt traps and redd surveys)  Highest: (Modified) RPA 50.3, 50.6; Expansion of PIT tag output and interrogation in the Okanogan. ◦RPA 50.6 “Linking fish in fish out monitoring to populations with relatively large survival gaps.” Summarize, by priority, the new monitoring efforts needed to meet the RPA requirements VSP

◦Highest: New, RPA 56; Habitat status and trend in the Methow ◦Highest: New, RPA 56; Status and Trend Water Quantity and Quality Monitoring; Replaces diminishing WDOE efforts ◦Highest: New, RPA 56.2; Habitat status and trend for Entiat (random sites in tributaries are not covered under ISEMP effectiveness monitoring). ◦Highest: New, RPA 57.4; Implement project level habitat action effectiveness monitoring in the Wenatchee. Summarize, by priority, the new monitoring efforts needed to meet the RPA requirements Habitat

◦Highest: New, RPA 64.3; Study reproductive success of hatchery and natural origin steelhead in the Methow. Summarize, by priority, the new monitoring efforts needed to meet the RPA requirements Hatchery

◦Highest; New; RPA 71, 72, 73; Implementation monitoring for restoration and protection projects, data management, and reporting. Independent “audit” and tracking of implemented projects for BPA and other funding sources. Non-Sub-regional Response: “FUNDING NEEDS TO BE COVERED UNDER THE CATEGORICAL REVIEW“. ◦Lower; New; Develop temperature models to predict benefits or to properly size projects proposed to reduce water temperatures. Summarize, by priority, the new additional monitoring efforts needed to meet the strategy Habitat

 Highest: New; Estimate exploitation of natural origin summer Chinook (related to harvest increases resulting from hatchery increases).  High: New; Summer Chinook sonic/radio tracking study  Lower: New; Juvenile life history pathways for summer Chinook Summarize, by priority, the new additional monitoring efforts needed to meet the strategy. Summer Chinook

 Highest; New; Implement Lake Wenatchee sockeye trophic status study. ◦ THERE COULD BE SOME CRITFC MOA STUDIES IN LAKE W ENATCHEE BUT THEIR STUDY PLANS ARE NOT FINALIZED.  High; New; Relocate Lake Wenatchee smolt traps downstream where mark-recapture efficiency is higher. Summarize, by priority, the new additional monitoring efforts needed to meet the strategy. Sockeye

 RPA 50.7: externally mark all fish produced with funding from Action Agencies. ◦Okanogan steelhead ◦Coho ◦Winthrop NFH Spring Chinook? ◦PUD funded programs are not 100% marked. Unresolved RPA workgroup recommendations