Enrollment Management & Student Affairs State of the Division Report to the Budget & Resource Committee 20 November 2014 Dr. Kathryn Wilson, Vice President Dr. Leah Barrett, Associate Vice President
Year in Review The negative trend of declining overall enrollment impacts several units supported by student fee funds. – Student fee increases must continue to meet budget obligations. Midyear, institutional decision was made to adjust SUNY enrollment targets by decreasing graduate student target by 155 and increasing first-year student target by 130 and transfer target by 50. – Slightly under first-year enrollment targets (-15 for first-year and -12 for transfer). Allocation of priority needs dollars to Admissions must continue. – Reallocated allocation based on assessment of strategies (see Spring 2014 EMSA presentation and EMC Report to IEAC).
Year in Review Residence Halls were at capacity. Revised UP Officers weekly schedule and reduced OT by over $20,000, balancing the operational deficit that was created when contractual salary increases were instituted after a 7-year contract negotiation with the officers labor union. Assessed new student orientation fees (summer and transfer) differently to align programmatic revenues and expenses and eliminate operational deficits.
Year in Review Investment of staff time and resources in Strategic Priorities continue. – The Leadership Development Program receives national honors. (Strategic Goal 4.2) – Faculty involvement in LLCs grows with no new operational investment since 2008 (only $42,000 operating budget which includes $15,000 for Math GA who is responsible for tutoring in the residence halls via the Student Learning Center). (Strategic Goal 1.2) – Res Life master plan complete. (Strategic Goal 4.2) – Academic Success Center Advisory Committee ready to go. (Strategic Goal 4.2) – Support of Engaged Learning initiatives. (Strategic Goals 4.3) Internship Task Force Service Learning Task Force HIPs & CHIPs Task Forces
Year in Review Investment of staff time and resources in Strategic Priorities continue. – Degree Works implementation for new students completed with significantly less cost than anticipated. Originally 4 positions were requested. 2 full-time positions were approved + part-time temporary dollars. 0 full-time hired; part-time hourly retired employee hours were used to backfill for professional staff time dedicated to project. SUNY has recognized Brockport as a leader for the system-wide implementation. – Revised new transfer student registration processes.
EMSA Rollover Funds (state allocation) Rollover Balances FY2014 $ 311,221 FY2013 $ 275,239 FY2012 $ 435,808 Planned/Completed Purchases Team bus to offset transportation expenses in Athletics. Title IX/VAWA Compliance Software – Think About It. Clery compliant public safety software. Hobson’s CRM software modules.
Divisional Reserves (not state allocated) Total IFR Reserve Balances$ (722,223) Balances that Exceed +/- $50,000 Intercollegiate Athletics $ (940,048) Hazen Center for Integrated Care $ (257,566) Campus Recreation $ 62,612 SERC Equipment Reserve ($31,800 short of goal) $ 218,200 Foundation Accounts Intercollegiate Athletics$ 500,540 RLLC/DIFR (not committed) $ 2,326,720
Financial Planning for Athletics Trends & Business Practices Trend of declining enrollment has had a negative impact. In , used IFR funds for facility improvements; should have used resources from Foundation or SUCF. From FY10 to FY13, 74% of OTPS was spent on travel and recruitment, with 32% on vehicle rental. Changes to Budget Office practices. – Re-allocation of fringe benefits savings. – Re-assignment of positions from IFR to state lines. Budget Reduction Strategies Annual operating budget has been reduced = no operational deficit. Cut operating expenses by 20% for FY14. Purchased bus. Reduced number of part-time temporary coaches. Reduced roster size. Froze staff lines/left positions unfilled. Increased efforts with Golden Eagle Society. Student fee support increases must continue.
Athletics IFR Operating Budget FY12FY13FY14FY15FY16FY17FY18FY19 Beginning Balance$316,819($355,093)($879,649)($763,767)($678,952)($584,743)($461,829)($308,830) Revenue$2,358,623$2,473,916$2,581,081$2,604,000$2,682,120$2,762,584$2,845,461$2,930,825 % Change in Revenue 4.90%4.30%0.90%3.00% Operating Expenses$2,337,357$2,140,214$1,694,765$1,683,540$1,700,375$1,717,379$1,734,553$1,751,898 % Change Operating Expenses -8.40%-20.80%-0.70%1.00% Overhead & Fringe$693,178$858,258$770,434$835,645$887,536$941,787$998,496$1,057,759 % Change in Overhead & Fringe 23.80%-10.20%8.50%6.20%6.10%6.00%5.90% Total Expenses$3,030,535$2,998,472$2,465,199$2,519,185$2,587,911$2,639,669$2,692,463$2,746,312 Ending Cash Balance($355,093)($879,649)($763,767)($678,952)($584,743)($461,829)($308,830)($124,317)
Financial Planning for Health Services Trend of declining enrollment has had a negative impact. Budgeted revenue increases from insurance billing that has not been realized…work on this effort continues. Moved salary lines from state to IFR too aggressively. Changes to Budget Office practices. – Re-allocation of fringe benefits savings. – Re-assignment of positions from IFR to state lines. Budget Reduction Strategies Froze staff lines/left positions unfilled. Revised psychiatric care services, reducing expenditures by $30,000. Reduced staff commitment to health insurance management. Staff efficiency study based on new technology and new systems. Student fee support increases must continue. Trends & Business Practices
Financial Planning for EMSA Campus Recreation/SERC Reserve funds are dedicated to equipment purchases and facility and field improvements. RLLC/DIFR Reserve funds are dedicated to emergency repairs, equipment purchases, and facility improvements.
Financial Planning for EMSA Implemented new models for collecting summer and transfer orientation fees that will allow EMSA to eliminate operational deficits. Continue to identify operational inefficiencies and take action; ie, eliminated $7,000 in printing costs that will be re-allocated to retention programs. Continue to assess new student enrollment strategies.