Healthier Horizons Apprenticeship Employer of the Year Application Guidance.


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Presentation transcript:

Healthier Horizons Apprenticeship Employer of the Year Application Guidance

Better Care Better Health Better Life Should our Trust Apply? Has the Trust developed the workforce through Apprenticeships? Can you evidence: Commitment? Business Benefits? Best Practice and transferability? Do you want to be honoured as a Top 100 Apprenticeship Employer?

Better Care Better Health Better Life Q1 Please describe your organisation’s commitment and future plans for your Apprenticeship programme. 350 Words How have Apprenticeships been embedded into workforce development & education? Included in L&D strategy? How has the trust’s approach improved? Number of Apprenticeships delivered in 11/12, range of roles, etc. Detail growth from previous years Investment in 11/12 and future investment / commitment - ideally financial

Better Care Better Health Better Life Q2 Please describe the benefits Apprenticeships have brought to your business. 350 Words. Why did you get involved in Apprenticeships? Workforce Modernisation / Skill Mix Solution Level 2 baseline Corporate citizen role – unemployment – link to health of the community Do you offer placements to the Apprentice Cadets ?

Better Care Better Health Better Life Q2 continued - Please describe the benefits Apprenticeships have brought to your business. 350 Words. Think QIPP How have apprenticeships impacted on Staff survey Patient outcomes / survey Level 2 status - % of Band 1-4 workforce undertook Level 2 framework Turnover, sickness, etc being a successful organisation Show before and after figures

Better Care Better Health Better Life Q2 Please describe the benefits Apprenticeships have brought to your business. 350 Words. How do you evaluate Apprenticeship programmes? Are progression routes mapped to NHS career opportunities e.g. Pre-reg, L2 to L3 Are there any Apprenticeship expansion plans?

Better Care Better Health Better Life Q3 – Please give examples of how your apprentices have benefitted from training with your organisation. 250 words. How do Apprentices progress? Trainee Assistant Practitioners Pre-Reg Training Management training Promotion Another Apprenticeship FE / HEI How does it benefit them personally? Skills for life need Unemployment Confidence Career Aspirations Learning Needs

Better Care Better Health Better Life Q3 – Please give examples of how your apprentices have benefitted from training with your organisation. 250 words How does it impact on their role? What commitment does the trust give to Apprentices? Does the trust advertise Band 1-4 vacancies as Apprenticeship opportunities? How do existing staff get the opportunity to undertake an Apprenticeship?

Better Care Better Health Better Life Q4 – Please advise why you consider yourselves an exemplar employer. 250 words What makes the Trust’s Apprenticeship Model exceptional? Commitment to improving patient care / service and investing in skills of staff Commitment to community in terms of link with employment, development and health Impact Evidence – trust, patient, individual, community How do you promote that added value? Information Advice & Guidance to staff

Better Care Better Health Better Life Q4 – Please advise why you consider yourselves an exemplar employer. 250 words Partnership / collaborative working model Skills Academy for Health North West Cadets National Apprenticeship Service NHS NW Education Providers Include best practice examples, added value and how you could act as role model to other employers

Better Care Better Health Better Life How to Apply? Deadline Friday 25 th May 2012 – 5pm Please adhere to wordcount limit as applications over the wordcount will not be considered for the award! Questions

Better Care Better Health Better Life Help with your entry ( Monday to Sunday 9am-8pm)