ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson deBono’s Thinking Hats
ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson deBono’s Thinking Hats Abby Bruno Psychology 8 th Grade Left vs. Right Brain
ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson deBono’s Thinking Hats Goals: By completing the following activities students will learn many things about the right and left brain. They will learn what each does and controls as well as which brain hemisphere they use more. Objectives: Content/Knowledge: Students will: Learn the brain hemispheres Identify with which side of the brain they use Process/Skills: Students must be able to create a final product of what they learn about their brains.
ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson deBono’s Thinking Hats Rationale: By completing the following activities, students will be able to prepare themselves for their further education in psychology. Standards: 18.C.3b Explain how diverse groups have contributed to U.S. social systems over time. 18.B.3b Explain how social institutions contribute to the development and transmission of culture. National – NCSS Themes Culture Individual development and identity
Students will simply create a final product describing each the left and right brain. They must include what each side does and what aspects people express when they work better with one side over the other. Students must present each to the class. Objective
Students will take the quiz listed below. By this quiz, students will learn what side of their brain they utilize more. Intuitive
Positive/Strengths This activity is related to the red hat activity. Students will have learned what brain hemisphere they use more. Now they must write a paper describing how it is related to their lives and if they believe it is accurate. They must use supporting evidence for their completed product.
Students will draw a person on a sheet of paper. They will create the person with an actual personality by drawing what the person is interested in and many different aspects of the person’s life. Two people will switch drawings and from there the other person must guess what brain hemisphere the created person uses and why. Negatives/Weaknesses
Creative Students must create a person for each brain hemisphere. They can do this by drawing a cartoon skit or even write a simple description of each person. They must include what aspects describe each.
Thinking About Thinking
Students will create a presentation for the class describing each of the brain hemispheres. They can create a poster, powerpoint, prezi, or any other type of creation to get their information to the class. Each student will present. Based on each persons’ presentation, the rest of the class must guess which brain hemisphere the person is.
ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson deBono’s Thinking Hats Visual Learning, Assessment, and Online Resources: Assessment: Students will be assessed based on their completed work and their effort in the work. They will receive full credit if they complete all the work with full effort. Online Resources: