Latin i-B Stage 13 (1) phrase of the day errāre humānum est To err is human.
Latin i-B Stage 13 (2) phrase of the day esse quam vidērī to be rather than to seem
Latin i-B Stage 13 (3) phrase of the day nōlō contendere I do not wish to fight.
Latin i-B Stage 13 (4) phrase of the day laborāre est orāre to work is to pray
Latin i-B Stage 13 (5) phrase of the day sic vōlō, sic iubeō Thus I wish, thus I order.
Latin i-B Stage 13 (6) phrase of the day dulce est desipere in locō It is pleasant to play the fool at times.
Latin i-B Stage 13 (7) phrase of the day nec tēcum possum vivere nec sine tē I am not able to live with you nor without you.
Latin i-B Stage 13 (8) phrase of the day piscem natāre docēs You are teaching a fish to swim.
Latin i-B Stage 13 (9) phrase of the day parcere subiectīs et debellāre superbōs to spare the conquered and vanquish the proud
Latin i-B Stage 14 (1) phrase of the day requiescat in pace may he rest in peace
Latin i-B Stage 14 (2) phrase of the day aliquis in omnibus, nullus in singulīs someone in everything, no one in particular (a jack-of-all-trades, but master of none)
Latin i-B Stage 14 (3) phrase of the day sub rosā under the rose
Latin i-B Stage 14 (4) phrase of the day dē fumō in flammam from the smoke into the flame
Latin i-B Stage 14 (5) phrase of the day in pace leōnēs, in proeliō cervī lions in peace, deer in battle
Latin i-B Stage 14 (6) phrase of the day dē gustibus nōn est disputandum about tastes, it must not be argued
Latin i-B Stage 14 (7) phrase of the day ex imō corde from the bottom of the heart
Latin i-B Stage 14 (8) phrase of the day in memoriam in memory
Latin i-B Stage 15 (1) phrase of the day quī mē amat, amat et canem meam he who loves me also loves my dog
Latin i-B Stage 15 (2) phrase of the day damnant quod nōn intellegunt they condemn that which they do not understand
Latin i-B Stage 15 (3) phrase of the day quem dī diligunt, adolescens moritur he whom the gods cherish, dies young
Latin i-B Stage 15 (4) phrase of the day quid prō quō tit for tat
Latin i-B Stage 15 (5) phrase of the day quae nocent docent those things which hurt, teach
Latin i-B Stage 15 (6) phrase of the day quōs Deus vult perdere, prius dementat whom God wishes to destroy, he first makes mad
Latin i-B Stage 15 (7) phrase of the day bis dat quī cito dat he gives twice, who gives quickly
Latin i-B Stage 15 (8) phrase of the day quae amissa salva those things which are lost, are safe
Latin i-B Stage 15 (9) phrase of the day quōrum pars magna fuī of which I was a great part
Latin i-B Stage 15 (10) phrase of the day quī transtulit sustinet he who transplanted, sustains
Latin i-B Stage 15 (11) phrase of the day quō animō? with what intention?
Latin i-B Stage 16 (1) phrase of the day nōn sum ego quod fueram I am not what I had been
Latin i-B Stage 17 (1) phrase of the day in nomine Patris et Fīliī et Spiritūs Sanctī in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit
Latin i-B Stage 17 (2) phrase of the day ars gratiā artis art for the sake of art
Latin i-B Stage 17 (3) phrase of the day in locō parentis in the place of a parent
Latin i-B Stage 17 (4) phrase of the day ignorantia lēgis nēminem excūsat ignorance of the law excuses no one
Latin i-B Stage 17 (5) phrase of the day repetitiō est māter studiōrum repetition is the mother of studies
Latin i-B Stage 17 (6) phrase of the day dux fēmina factī the leader of the deed was a woman
Latin i-B Stage 17 (7) phrase of the day magister ceremoniārum master of ceremonies
Latin i-B Stage 17 (8) phrase of the day forte scutum, salus ducum a strong shield, the safety of leaders
Latin i-B Stage 17 (9) phrase of the day mōs maiōrum customs of the ancestors
Latin i-B Stage 17 (10) phrase of the day aqua vītae water of life
Latin i-B Stage 17 (11) phrase of the day in oculīs cīvium in the eyes of the citizens
Latin i-B Stage 17 (12) phrase of the day deōrum cibus est it is the food of the gods
Latin i-B Stage 18 (1) phrase of the day amor vincit omnia love conquers all
Latin i-B Stage 18 (2) phrase of the day magnum opus great work
Latin i-B Stage 18 (3) phrase of the day tempus, edax rērum time, the eater of things
Latin i-B Stage 18 (4) phrase of the day gradū diversō, viā unā from a diverse step, on the same road
Latin i-B Stage 18 (5) phrase of the day consiliō, nōn impetū by discussion, not by attack
Latin i-B Stage 18 (6) phrase of the day fidēs facit fidem faith makes faith
Latin i-B Stage 18 (7) phrase of the day at spēs nōn fracta but hope is not broken
Latin i-B Stage 18 (8) phrase of the day carpent tua poma nepōtēs your grandchildren will pluck your apples
Latin i-B Stage 18 (9) phrase of the day monstrum horrendum, informe, ingens a horrible, deformed, huge monster
Latin i-B Stage 18 (10) phrase of the day casus fortuitus accidental misfortune
Latin i-B Stage 18 (11) phrase of the day illotīs manibus with dirty hands
Latin i-B Stage 18 (12) phrase of the day animō et fide by spirit and faith
Latin i-B Stage 19 (1) phrase of the day festīnā lentē hasten slowly
Latin i-B Stage 19 (2) phrase of the day hic funis nihil attraxit this line caught nothing
Latin i-B Stage 19 (3) phrase of the day notā bene note well
Latin i-B Stage 19 (4) phrase of the day hic spinās colligat, ille rosās let this one collect thorns, that one roses
Latin i-B Stage 19 (5) phrase of the day cavē canem beware of the dog
Latin i-B Stage 19 (6) phrase of the day aut disce aut discēde either learn or leave
Latin i-B Stage 19 (7) phrase of the day fac et excusā do and (then) explain
Latin i-B Stage 19 (8) phrase of the day nolī mē tangere don’t touch me
Latin i-B Stage 19 (9) phrase of the day hāc nocte on this night
Latin i-B Stage 19 (10) phrase of the day haec tibi dona ferō I bring these gifts for you
Latin i-B Stage 20 (1) phrase of the day libēns, volēns, potēns ready, willing, able
Latin i-B Stage 20 (2) phrase of the day id est (i.e.) that is
Latin i-B Stage 20 (3) phrase of the day verbum sapientī a word to the knowing (wise)
Latin i-B Stage 20 (4) phrase of the day ipsō factō with that very thing done (thus)
Latin i-B Stage 20 (5) phrase of the day suspendēns omnia nasō hanging everything on the nose
Latin i-B Stage 20 (6) phrase of the day muscae volitantēs flying flies
Latin i-B Stage 20 (7) phrase of the day dūcunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt the fates lead the willing, (but) drag the unwilling
Latin i-B Stage 20 (8) phrase of the day vigilantibus, nōn dormientibus, iura subveniunt laws give assistance to the vigilant, not to the sleeping