The Greeks Socrates Plato (Neo-Platonism) Aristotle (Aristolian Logic) Asking questions…why? Plato (Neo-Platonism) Questions types of government Claims “pure” democracy is bad Aristotle (Aristolian Logic) Well rounded, studies many things including government, language, astronomy
Alexander the Great Daddy conquers Greek City States Athens, Sparta, etc. Alex tries to make daddy proud, but daddy shuns him because he has a high pitched girly voice Alexander tries to take over the known world..almost does. Spreads culture “Helenism”
Rome Romulus and Remus Very powerful empire Republic Elected their representatives (Senate) Falls in 476 C.E…..
Dark / Middle Ages Generally the period after the fall of Rome until the beginning of the Renaissance. 500 – 1300 St. Augustine Church should be BOTH temporal and spiritual leader of the people Church takes a strong place within all forms of government City of God
Thomas Aquinas “Summa Theologica” Scholasticism Synthesizes faith and logic/reason of Greece and Rome Scholasticism Educational philosophy that focuses on the classics yet integrates all information within ones faith Learn through rote memorization of the classics
The Crusades
1100 AD Turks controlled the Holy Land
Pope Urban II Asked by the Eastern Orthodox leaders to come help 1095 asked for help from the people of Europe
Pope’s Goals Take back the Holy Land Gain power as Christian leader Reunite Orthodox and Catholic Church
Crusade Definition: Series of military campaigns started originally by the Popes. Hoped to gain back the Holy Land from the Muslims.
Knight’s Goals Religious zeal, die and go to heaven 50,000-60,000 Knights became crusaders Religious zeal, die and go to heaven Win glory in battle Plunder available, get rich
First Crusade 1097 A.D Europeans from all areas 1099 – captured Jerusalem Crusaders kill everyone in the city Every Muslim, Jew, and Orthodox Christian is killed
What next? Soldiers go home, leave behind a small force Muslim Turks counter attack and take back Holy Land Pope calls for another crusade And so on, and so on, and so on for over 200 years!!!!
Rise of the Merchants Crusaders need supplies Northern Italian port cities became home to new merchant class Loaned goods and services for a profit Charged to transport armies Gain control of key trade routes
Results of the Crusades? Pope and church loses power People begin to focus on the “now” Merchants in Italy get rich Rise in religious intolerance
The Black Plague 1347 People died of “bubos” puss filled pockets all over their body Spread initially by rats (fleas)on ships, then person to person Killed equally no matter rich or poor, holy or unholy (1in 3 die) Again, people began to focus on the “now” But hey, at least it helped the economy! Jobs everywhere!!!!!
100 Year War (1337-1453) King of France dies King of England, Edward III says he’s got next! France, amazingly, finds a law that says the title can only be passed through the male bloodline (Salic Law) Edward is also a vassal to French King
100 Years Cont’d England wins early and often Joan of Arc Crecy and Agincourt Joan of Arc Teen girl decides to lead the war against England after visions and talks w/ Angels “Dauphin” – future king of France France slowly pushes England out
The Great Schism (1377-1417) Popes begin to live in France (Avignon), not Rome France holds power over the Popes Keep electing French Popes Pope takes a trip to Rome and dies! People of Rome demand they choose new Pope in Rome Preferably an Italian one!!!!
The Great Schism cont’d Cardinals elect crazy Urban VI Urban starts to complain about Cardinals and wants reform Cardinals decide to just go elect another Pope in France Clement VII That’s 2 Popes at once!
Conciliar Movement Movement to create a council that works with Pope on church matters 1324 Marsiglio – “Defensor Pacis” 1414-1418 Council of Constance Vote in a new Pope, Martin V, and tell the others they are not Pope Martin V ends the council and conciliar movement