The problem that needs to be solved is if a computer career is for me.
We already know that I like computers. I also like computer science, programming, and coding. I like solving problems as well because it’s fun. I also know that you need lots of knowledge on computers, and coding as well as some creativity. I know this career can cause lots of hand problems, and back problems because you sit down all day working on a computer.
My assumptions are that the job pays well, and that we will use a computer to do most, if not all our work. I’m guessing that there are a lot of hours per day related to this type of career. I think that there is a lot of work related as well.
I don’t know which computer career is right for me yet, and I don’t know the different career options yet. I don’t know if I will even like the possible computer careers and how difficult it could be. I don’t know the salary, or how many hours I work per day. I also don’t know what type of skills you need for this job, or what qualifications would be needed.
One possible idea is for me to search information on the internet and find out all the different career options and see what computer careers are all about. Another idea is that I can ask my uncle who has a computer-related career and ask questions to him. Another idea is to visit the workplace of someone who has it as a career. My last idea is to take online quizzes and tests so I can see what careers are best for me and if a computer career is right for me.
My first idea is researching on the internet to find out all the information about computer careers. There are many pros and cons to this idea. One pro is that there is lots of information to find online, and finding answers is really easy. I can also find out about every career I want, and there’s a lot of information to find. I can also find out the conditions, pay, hours, and everything I need to know. One con would be that it would take a really long time to find all the information I need, and also I might not find everything I want to know.
My second idea is that I can ask my uncle who has a computer-related career questions. One pro is that I will get to know everything I want about a specific career and I can also ask him for his opinion about the job. I would also be able to be where he works and the conditions of it. One con is that I would only get to know about one specific career as he specializes in one. I wouldn’t get as much information as I want and I wouldn’t see other options.
My third idea is to visit someone’s workplace who has a computer-related career. One pro to that is that I will experience what it is like having a computer-related career. I can also get some information on a specific career. I would also see how it affects me physically as well. One con is that I wouldn’t get experience on other possible careers and I also wouldn’t be able to get as much information as I want to.
My fourth and last idea is to do online quizzes and tests and see what careers best suit me. One pro to that is that it is mostly accurate because I answer questions and they see what suits me the most. I also wouldn’t have to wait a lot of time on research. One con is that the quizzes only judge based on a few questions and they wouldn’t know me that well, so even if the career are accurate, it wouldn’t be as accurate as if I did something else.
The best idea is to research on the internet. The 2 nd best idea is to visit a workplace of someone who has a computer-related career. The 3 rd best idea is to ask my uncle about his career and questions. The worst idea is to do online quizzes and tests. Researching is the best idea because I could find out anything I need to know while in the other ideas, there is always information I won’t be able to find. Also, I could find opinions, and how the job feels and is like online.
I researched the different job opportunities related to computers which seemed to interest me. This includes computer programmer, computer animator, and video game developer.
Computer programmers make between $40,000 to $75,000 per year. You need a college or university education to become a computer programmer. Some attributes which would help you are your research skills, writing skills, and time management skills. You must work hours per week. You work in offices in front of computers. Computer programmers write, test, develop, and maintain computer software programs. I read about Melissa who is a computer programmer. She works with customers to get the requirements for their projects. Once she gets them, she writes them in a document and then writes the C++ code for it.
Video game developers make between $30,000 to $90,000 per year. Some attributes you might need are being creative, having knowledge of video games, and working well in teams. You work on computers in offices or at home. You work 9-10 hours per week and weekend work is very common. You also need a college or university education to become a video game developer. You may have to travel to attend conferences, and other stuff. Video game developers are involved in the complex process of creating entertaining and interactive video games. I read about Chris who is a video game developer. He said that there is not much job security but there are many companies which you can join after. He comes up with the concept and design for all the video games functions.
Computer animators make between $25,000 to $70,000 per year. Some attributes you might need are computer skills, being artistic, creative, and drawing skills help. It’s mostly 8 hour days and overtime can be required to finish projects. There can be lots of work and be very stressful. Computer animators have brought to life everything from toys to dinosaurs to mythical lands. I read about Ali who is a computer animator. He said computer animators have really good job security and you can keep one job for 5-10 years. He keeps up-to-date with new developments in technology by attending a lot of seminars. Most of his clients are private companies, and he finished his work within a week most of the time.
The pros for computer animators are that you are your own boss. You don’t work for anyone but yourself. Also, there is lots of variety for this job because every client wants something different from everyone else. Some cons are doing graphics because its not animated and has no “life” to it. It can also be boring because one client can want the same thing over and over again. Some pros for computer programmers are working for customers. Also, the job is very flexible. Some cons are that you might have to work on multiple projects at once, and you are dependent on the people you are working with. Pros for video game developers are that you get to be creative, and you get to work on video games which is a hobby for me. Some cons are that your ideas for games are often rejected, and also there are lots of work hours in this job.
I read about all of the options and got to know about all of them and I decided that the best idea is to become a video game developer. I picked this because I know I will like coding and making a video game. If I like something, I like to do it a lot so the long hours don’t bother me. I also like to be creative and make ideas for possible video games. You also get to play video games which is a big plus for me. The pay is pretty good too, so I would be happy with that. I was never really a people who liked art and drawing so I wouldn’t like computer animation. I think computer programming is too tedious and boring to me so I don’t think I’ll like that.
Yes, I feel like this is a possible career for me because I like how you come up with ideas, how you make the game, and I like this career so long hours don’t bother me. I also like how there is a big variety of video games so you can never get bored of this job. The money is good too; it’s not the best but its decent money and a good job so I like it. I definitely feel like this is a possible career for me in the future.
choice/ choice/ choice choice