Visual Functions
Function (Defined) A procedure that returns a value when called
Predefined Functions Lcase Ucase IsNumeric Len MsgBox InputBox LOF RGB Val Fixed Currency Percent EOF *note This is just a sample of pre-defined functions
Ucase Function Converts lower and upper case string characters to all upper case. UCASE(txtName.Text) ‘ converting to upper
Lcase Function Converts all upper and lower case characters to all lower case LCASE(txtName.Text) ‘ converts to lower
LEN Function Returns the number of characters in a string Len(“Tampa”) = 5 ‘ returned a value of 5
Message Box Function Displays a dialog box with a message, buttons, and an optional icon Syntax: MsgBox (“Message String” [ buttons, icon], [, caption]) Example: MsgBox (“Hello World”, vbOKOnly, vbInformation, “Hello World”)
Input Box Function Displays a dialog box with a text box, returns values input by the user Syntax: InputBox(“Prompt” [, “Caption”] [, Default] [, Xpos] [, Y Pos]) Example: InputBox (“How many do you want”, “Order”)
LOF Function Returns a length of file in data bytes LOF(#1) ‘ returns the length of file #1
EOF Function Returns a true value when end of file is reached EOF(#1) ‘ returns a true value when at the ‘ EOF of file #1
RGB Function Returns the Red, Green, Blue value of a Color Syntax(RedValue, GreenValue, BlueValue)
MID Function Returns a string from start position to end of string or specified number of characters Syntax: Mid(String, StartPosition [ NumberofCharacters]) Example: Mid(“Help me please!”, 2, 5) = elp m ‘ returns 5 characters
ISNumeric Function Returns true if value of expression is Numeric Used primarily for data validation IsNumeric(txtNum1.Text) ‘ checks for numeric value
VAL Function The Val() function converts string characters to numeric values Example: Val(txtNumber.text)