IT IS SO ORDERED “Modernizing Michigan Medicaid Long Term Care” The Michigan Medicaid Long- Term Care Task Force Recommendation #1 Require and Implement Person-Centered Planning Practices
MCLA (G) “Person-centered planning “refers to a”process for planning and supporting the individual receiving services that builds upon the individual’s preferences, choices and abilities. The person-centered planning process involves families, friends and professionals as the individual desires or requires.”
REGUALTIONS GOVERNING WAIVER PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION Care Managers utilize the person-centered planning processes to authorize and monitor MI Choice services.
MI Choice Waiver Contract for FY06 The principles inherent in person-centered planning constitute an overarching option for the coordination and delivery of waiver services. While participants may choose not to participate in the person-centered planning process, it must be offered to them.
CMS Home and Community Based Services Waiver Application Appendix D: Participant-Centered Planning and Service Delivery
Single Point of Entry – request for proposal 1.03 Person-Centered Planning Processes; Identify the agency knowledge and experience with person centered planning processes and any previous staff training plans