5m GM measurement at ATF-floor and the reference system Sep. 19,’03 KEK H. Yamaoka P1(x,y,z) P2(x,y,z) N
Accelerometer QF7X QD8X
OSP-06 Servo Accelerometer MG-102 Range Acc. 0.1 ~ 400Hz Velo. 0.4 ~ 100Hz Disp. 0.5 ~ 100Hz 40 ~ 120dB Acc. 60dB = 1Gal/V Velo. 60dB = 1mm/s/V Disp. 60dB = 0.1mm/V Weight4.5kg Size 335×275×60mm Size40×40×50mm Max. input ±2G±2G Resolution 1/ 10 6 G 横方向感度 1/1000 電源 15V,18mA 重量 160g Tokkyokiki Corporation
GM measurement at ATF-floor - Aug 26(Wed) 17:15 – Aug 27(Thr) 16:15 10min., Every 1hr Water(Three lines), Power supply: off - Aug 29(Fri) 17:00 – Sep 1st(Mon) 16:00 10min., Every 1hr - Water(Two lines: stopped), Power supply: off - Coherency between floor and girder
Aug 26(Wed) 17:15 – Aug 27(Thr) 16:15 Sampling: 256Hz, 10min.
FFT: 8192 df: Hz Overlap: 75%
Coherency between P1 and P2
Integrated Amplitude
Integ. Integ. Integ.
Water(Two lines out of three: stopped)
Integ. Integ. Integ.
Integ. Integ. Integ. Aug 29(Fri) 17:00 – Sep 1st(Mon) 16:00
Ground motion → Animation
Spectrum Analysis Z Y X Fixed
Z Y X X-Direction Y-Direction Z-Direction
Conclusion - There is a peak around 3Hz. - A lot of electric noise were measured. - Day time ⇔ night, Week day ⇔ Weekend GM at night is lower than day time(>1Hz) Difference is not so large(>5Hz,>10Hz) - Water supply ⇒ ON, OFF Any differences were not measured. - Result of spectrum analysis Response is lower than the previous one.