Welcome to the January Key Club Meeting
Key Club Pledge I pledge on my honor To uphold the objects of Key Club International; To build my home, school, and community; To serve my nation and God; And combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.
Jenks West Elementary Packet Makers Put together “Word Work” packets for 3rd and 4th grade literacy lessons Building F staff lounge – West Elementary Every day 2:30-3:30pm
Wrestling Volunteers January 8 th & 9 th (Friday and Saturday) Friday 3-6pm & 6-9pm Saturday 11am-2pm, 2-5pm, & 5-8pm Frank Harold Gym Sign up now or
Bridges Foundation Helps adults with special needs to find work Projects include playing games and helping the clients, decorating the facility and other miscellaneous activities Mostly after school Contact
Aquatic Center Timers are needed to time and record swimmers' races. There are also a couple concessions shifts available. o Jenks vs Owasso and BK- 5:15-8:30 Thursday, January 7 o Frontier Conference meet- 5:15-8:30 Tuesday, January 12 o Jenks vs Edmond schools- 5:15-8:30 Tuesday, January 19 o Jenks Invitational meet- 11:15-4:00 Saturday, January 23 o Jenks vs Moore schools- 5:15-8:30 Tuesday, January 26
Officer Elections Consider running for an officer position Excellent leadership experience Sophomores and freshmen are welcome to run Must sign up with Mrs. Langley by February 1 st
Lieutenant Governor Current Lieutenant Governor: Hardi Patel Divisional Election Conference on Jan. 30 th
The Big Event MARCH 4 TH !!!!!!! A whole day of service Free food Help us beat Union and Bixby
Thank You For Coming! Thank You For Coming!
Officer Seminar Officer positions o President o Vice President of Hours o Vice President of Special Projects o Secretary of Hours and Secretary of Minutes o Treasurer o Editor o Webmaster Officer positions are a lot of work but they are great leadership experiences!