Leadership SGA Leadership Conference
Idamae Stallings-President Johnae Blyden-Vice President Brittany Smith-Secretary Tymasha Congo-Treasurer
Leadership SGA Leadership Conference Our Concern is Attendance Students do just enough to keep their public assistance Students are still able to receive pay Their children Lack of role models Environment Lacking in classes Student Influence
Leadership SGA Leadership Conference Attendance is an issue to SGA because we feel it is an important skill that is needed to succeed in our careers.
Leadership SGA Leadership Conference Steps to Accomplish Task Person Responsible Due Date Communicate to counselors & ECS secretary when students are not attending classes or school. This way they can be counseled on the importance of attending classes ) Idamae Stallings (President)Weekly April 24th as well as every Friday after We can reward students with $10 gift cards who are attending the Monday morning Business Meeting and also coming to school by 9am the following days of the week Tymasha Congo (Treasurer)Every Friday of the week new list of students who qualify Student mentors Alumni Speakers Positive Reinforcement Johnae Blyden (VP)Monday morning business meetings April 27th and every morning after Encourage students go to Hot Topics to discuss feelings. We also can ask counselors to refer students to talk to the psychologist. Brittany Smith (Secretary)April 29th and every Tuesday after
Leadership SGA Leadership Conference Steps to Accomplish Task Person Responsible Due Date Mediation for students Review Panel Termination Idamae Stallings (President)Monday April 27th Do research on days cares in the area that are the most accommodating Brittany Smith (Secretary)April 30th
Leadership SGA Leadership Conference We will know our goal has been accomplished when the attendance rate increase by 7%
Leadership SGA Leadership Conference In Conclusion As SGA we would like to increase the attendance rate at Wilmington Job Corps by June 30, To do this we must focus on resolving issues that serves as a challenge for students to attend required classes. With these issues resolved our graduation rate will increase and our students will be successful upon entrance of their career of studies!
Leadership SGA Leadership Conference