Essays used in different curriculum areas. Writing to Analyse This is a reasoned and detailed response, breaking down a text or issue. What language features should be included? Past or present tense. Writing that analyses a topic or question is held together by clear, direct topic sentences (points) at the start of paragraphs and supporting evidence which is used to expand the point. Uses PEE (point, evidence, explanation) to analyse different aspects of a topic/text. Comes to a conclusion about the topic in question. Comparison, cause and effect, illustration and summary connectives are used. Third person but First person can be used to give your own views. Quotations from the text are very important when analysing!
Why did the Normans win the Battle of Hastings? In 1066, Edward the Confessor died without any children to replace him as King of England. Three men thought they had the right to be King: Harald Hardraada, Harold Godwinson and William, Duke of Normandy. After he defeated Hardraada, Harold travelled south to fight William at Hastings. But, why did William and the Normans win? Some people think that the Normans won because they had better luck. For example, Harold had already fought a Battle in the north. As a result he had lost many of his best fighters and was weaker when he met William and the journey south to fight William made his surviving soldiers even more tired. William was in a much stronger position because of the actions of someone else rather than the plans he had made. Secondly, the wind changed, which meant that William’s troops could cross the channel at a time when Harold was fighting Hardraada. Consequently, this was lucky because William had no control over the weather. Had the weather not changed, William might not have been able to cross to England at such a convenient time. Finally, the battle began before Harold’s troops even had a chance to organise themselves. This was lucky because if they had had the time to organise themselves better they may not have given the Normans the advantage. Ultimately, these examples show that William’s success was based on a series of unplanned events, making his victory lucky. Another reason why the Normans won was because they were much better prepared for a Battle. Firstly, the Normans had gathered together a useful mixture of foot-soldiers, archers and cavalry. This shows that William had clearly thought about the Battle and how to fight it, ensuring that he had troops for every type of fight and terrain that he might have to fight on. In addition, William himself was skilful and ambitious. He was determined that he would be the next King of.England. Because of this he was going to do everything in his power to beat the English. He was determined not to lose and this determination inspired his troops to fight effectively for him. Overall, Williams excellent preparation both physically and mentally got him ready for his victory. The most important reason why the Normans won was because they used better tactics. William cleverly arranged his troops and used them skilfully in Battle. In comparison, Harold struggled to organise his troops properly, and this showed that William was a much better leader and tactician. Furthermore, the Norman’s used a clever trick: they pretended to retreat down the hill, encouraging the English to follow, and leave their strong position on the hill. Consequently, the Normans took the advantage and slaughtered the English. Finally, in the middle of the Battle, Harold was killed. Due to this the English were weak, and this allowed the Normans to defeat them very quickly. The main reason why the Normans won the Battle of Hastings was because they clearly used better tactics. They were very lucky before the Battle and they did prepare very well, but if they had not have used good tactics to trick and defeat the English, then the luck and the preparation would have been for nothing. Point Examples Explanation Link sentence Cause and effect connectives. Comparison connectives. Conclusion Three different arguments